More incentive to walk the content

IM not proposing any changes in this thread specifically(although I use an example)
I just think it would be nice to see them add things that reward players that kill everything on their way to a boss as opposed to JUST teleporting to a boss.

I’m not suggesting that walking to a boss end up being better than quick boss farming, but it would be nice if players that don’t have a sorc or access to an enigma could have something that’s found along the way.

Just for one example:

Maybe all in game chests have a chance to become a super chest, instead of only static super chests.

But again don’t take that suggestion to heart I just thought I needed to give an example.

Your thoughts?

More random in the open world with more super chests?

I’m not opposed.

It’s random and can be encountered by playing the game without farming the same areas over and over, could make act 3 more exciting.

People would probably farm pit still, or tunnels or whatever new area 85 dungeon that had a super chest.

Still think it would be neat though for variety.

Walking is a choice. A choice that most skip for speed because they have already walked the game a million times.
I choose to skip through at times, and then right now I am walking my zon through and I am enjoying that as well.
There is no problem with having both choices.

I like the idea of more incentives to play through the game instead of teleporting to bosses, but “super chests” won’t do it for me. Of the hundreds I’ve opened in D2R: I have picked up 0 valuable things from those chests. Literally only gold piles and scrolls being picked up from shiny gold chests :frowning:

Personal loot would make players want to be around each other


Pretty much the core intent of much of my endgame content designs

Incite mass clearing over boss running

River of flame and cs or wsk and baal are already exactly what you are looking for. High lvl areas directly next to a wp. The champs at cs can drop more items than Diablo himself