More enhanced dmg on rare weapon in hell

Over 400ed is so rare EVEN in HELL. Pls change that. Im sick of grief.

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the game could definitely use a thorough “spring cleaning” imo.

get rid of the super OP things, rework some of the not so good things.

delete a couple of items… (my eyes would be set on enigma, infinity, grief, mosaic)

i could write a detailed list of the things i think they could do but they won’t read it and it’s a waste of everyones time to pretend like they would, but that’s what needs to happen imo.

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If they go ahead and change base weapon damage then Enhanced Damage will have to be looked at. Even staying within bounds (I think max base damage is 255) 350%+ might actually need to be scaled down.

I personally would prefer base damage buffs, but I think there is more than one way to skin a cat and these accomplish the same thing.

Just give rares the “damage +” to some extend


They don’t really need to look at the weapon ED as adding base weapon damage would just make regular weapons a little bit closer to Grief in on weapon damage. Grief is valued because it makes the weapon damage @450 vs standard weapon damage average around 250-300’ish. So your weapon damage before looking at off weapon damage bonuses is always better with Grief, there is no contest.

If you add a simple 15 to base damage on an elite weapon you make this an additional 60 on weapon damage assuming a 300% ED. This isn’t even 1/4th the damage Grief offers.

Example, ignoring off weapon ED as that should be considered constant no matter what weapon you are using:

Grief in a basic zerker axe has on weapon damage of 424-471.

Heavens Light/Mighty Scepter - because those are the numbers I had handy. Mighty Scepters have based damage of 40-52, with the 300% ED this makes it 160-208 damage, not even half the damage of Grief.

Add 15 base damage this makes HL do 220-268, add +25 base damage you get 260-308, still 100+ base damage off Grief.

Now I know you want to see the runewords do lets look at BotD with +400% ED on a Zerker Axe. Standard base damage gives 120-355 (ave 238) +15 gives 195-430 (ave 313) +25 gives 245-480 (ave 363), Eth BotD averages at 480, making it better than Grief which IMO is where it should be. Averages are important in this comparison because of the large variation between min and max damage. Grief has a much smaller min/max range thus giving a more reliable damage output.

So basically even when you give a +25 base damage to all elite weapons you still don’t get to Grief’s level of damage on mostly all the weapons. BoTD which requires a Zod finally gets the best damage output when Eth.


Good points and numbers. I think adding around 25 to the base damage of elite weapons as in your example would be the right starting point.

It’s not only Breath of the Dying that would be potentially better than Grief with this change. Death has up to 385%ED while working in ethereal bases, and provides lots of Crushing Blow and Deadly Strike. Last Wish would have lower damage (but be much closer than now), but again has lots of Crushing Blow and other mods.

I’d like to see people choosing between Grief, BOTD, Death, Last Wish, and the ever elusive 400%ED rares.

TLDR: Let’s buff base weapon damage to enable variety!


Yea, I think buffing base weapon damage would be much better. Also, include bows and throwing weapons.

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i completely agree we should buff base weapon dmg
but we should do it once and for all
we dont know how willing they are to revisit this in the future

so i say lets crack the numbers and reach a consensus future-proof as possible


Dream on. The first 3 items are what made D2 successful from 1.10 on. This game is about being powerful, and all of you sad little violins have a problem with that. Because you never appreciated what the game was about, you thrive off the thought ruining it for everybody.

Do your naked challenge and build your pesky little mods without runewords while the majority of players just uses the items as intended.

Blizzard is well aware of the divide between people appreciating and not appreciating the powerful runewords. They know if they would delete them without alternative, they would loose a big chunk of people and get a $hitstorm. What they instead do is making it more easy to attain good drops and lowering difficulty in some aspects.

But still, for many people it will never be enough. The mere fact that some players are more active and therefore have better items is upsetting, but can never be compensated.

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sure, whatever you say.

It’s astonishing to me how people like you stir %$#@ on this forum out of a place of pure ignorance and when you’re called out on it, you just shrug it off ‘sure, whatever you say’.

Dude, you have 2240 forum posts as of now and you have literally nothing of value to post about. Why do you do this?


Same reasons people raged back in the LoD chat. Traders, Scammers, Cheaters everywhere, Items too powerful, Botters, the world is bad. I understand such complaints directed to the outside mainly as a form of compensation. Complaining for the sake of it.

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because i straight up do not agree with the things you say, that’s your opinion, if you’re taking it as fact, get over yourself. and honestly, didn’t feel it worth my time to engage with you further, as we don’t see eye to eye and i think you’re extremely wrong. good day ! :wink:

the game NEEDED, extreme nerfs AGES ago to the power creep that 1.1 brought in. yes 1.1 held a lot of peoples attention for a very long time, but it also lost a greater amount of peoples attention.

1.1 wasn’t as bad as let’s say. the changes they’ve made in d2:r. but they were kind of bad. especially enigma. i don’t really care to talk about this though, as nothing will ever happen about any of this. so i think it’s stupid to talk about potential changes that will never happen.

Even if they buff the damage, it would still be an incredibly impossible weapon to find hence why most eth rare self rep weaps in nice bases currently go for a literal arm and a leg whether on d2jsp, ebay or item stores so you would still be better off with creating a runeword…

Personally i don’t mind. Grief is not necessary to do great in PvM especially with p1 while for PvP, most GM Zeal/BvB/Fury leagues do not allow grief anyways. Eth rare self rep weaps are one of the ultimate finds in the game, they should be properly rare and fetch you a fortune if you decide to sell it.

You could circumvent it altogether by just making a promise to yourself and avoid grief or play non-expansion and be forced to use your cruel zweihander of quickness


with the addition of trimming off useless mods… i think the better solution would be make it so the game either always rolls the highest mod of that effect it has unlocked for the item level. or heavily weight rolling that highest available mod the higher item lvl

if i have an rare wep pst item lvl 32, then always give me the “strange” prefix of 151-300 attack rating… if i roll + to attack rating…

dont give me the 10-20 bronze mod or the 21-40 iron mod the and othe the other ranges i could roll at lower levels, like steel, silver gold, platinum meteoric

give me the highest mod you can that that item type allows

if it was a magic weapon that rolled + attack rating give it the “weird” mod of +301-450
( which cant spawn on rares)

if its a circlet or a reing the highest mod i can get is the plainum mod at +101-120

revmoiong all those useless low rolls from the poll would make so mnay items way better.

they still have a range, but it will at least be the highest prefix/affix

( for more info on what i mean see below)

Agreed. They even literally have a basically unused column that sets max ilevel a mod can roll. AFAIK it’s only used for the level 1 spawnable magics that cannot be found outside act 1 normal.

I ran some numbers as you suggested, and 50% looks to be a good amount to me. Hopefully the community can help us thrash it out.


I dont see how this game ever lost attention.

What they did in 1.10, they simply needed official alternatives to all the hacked items. And the hacked, insanely powerful items by themselfes were a clear manifestation of what the masses wanted. You are free to dislike it, but you are in the minority. Diablo 2, 3, 4 are about becoming insanely powerful and slaughtering monsters. It is not that hard to grasp, really. And Blizzard knows better than you how to make a mainstream game attractive.

What is your playstyle? How many HRs do you own? I’m on Single Player and more or less swimming in HRs.

i actually have given up on this game since season 4. but i run a p5 online setup.

and no, you’re wrong on blizzard knowing what people like, check releases for diablo 3 and 4 now. because if my thoughts are correct, the people who made d2 did not make 1.1 … and it shows. just like the rest of the changees the devs have made since d2:r pretty nonsensical.

please don’t tell me blizzard knows how to do ANYTHING anymore with one of the worst games rated of all time. just stop.

this game lost attention because of many reasons, people get bored of doing the same thing. MOST of my friends didn’t like the power creep of 1.1 like, not a single person i know in REAL life played diablo 2 past that. i had to find friends online to play with.

not to mention, SO MANY OTHER GAMES TO PLAY. wasn’t getting patched for many years (basically dead game in the eyes of many if it’s not getting patched). do i need to go on? or do you think diablo 2 should be played forever by everyone? some people claim that it’s not even a good game. never was, never will be. crazy eh?

I dont think you want to see the full picture, but thats your problem.

By the way, maybe you oversaw my question?: What is your playstyle? Online, offline? How many HRs do you own?