More characters

Today I was able to make 25 characters. I didn’t search but were there updates or patches released?

But good news nonetheless.

Edit: Nevermind. As I tried to create it. I got stopped with max character limit.

I suspect we might get them.

I remember before sunder patch dropped. I was seeing a lot more grand charm dropping

Interesting, the character limit is 30 on Xbox and I also thought at some point that they removed the limit but ended up in the same situation like you.

What I am finding bizarre is that how bad CS is for mosaic assassin. I do TZ and non TZ on P8 exclusively and hardly anything useful drops with ~240MF. Mostly blue, some yellow and lot of whites but good bases/charms in general are hard to come by too. She has only scored 1 SUR rune so far over 100+ runs. I did not care much about this until I found a streamer called “Sir Fox Gaming” who has started a project recently to find ZOD in CS. He is using mosaic sin too, and his run count much higher than mine (1000+) but pretty much gets the same experience (except he finds skillers). He even asked viewers to comment on one of the videos, if they had similar experience. :thinking:

Maybe I am impatient and I know, it is all RNG but I don’t buy this rubbish anymore. I play this game enough to know/feel when it gets in some sort of “stuck” state. Andy TZ dropped me the same items throughout a full week and so on. It happens to every heros of mine.

The only thing I found so far to solve this to play my characters outside of the usual zones for a while and/or reset maps which I don’t like doing for every hero.

I was referring to online limit. But offline is the same 30.

I watched a recent video on YT. About seed and how different interaction changes results on item drops. Maybe that is the reason you aren’t getting results.

Video by Ginger Gaming Mentor.

Sorry, online never crossed my mind about the character limit as I have never played a minute on

Thanks for the video though! He has such a vast collection of videos that it is simply impossible to watch all of them and I tend to miss the good ones like this.

This is irrelevant to enemy drops, it only works for static items like chests, racks and other poppables. Enemies actually mess with the rng and make it less consistent.

If you still aren’t convinced, keep in mind that you can simply change your seed by switching difficulties.

You are right about chest patterns but I would not rule this idea out fully. We cannot see the code or the rng part of it, which is not really random. In computing there is no randomness whatsoever and seed could play a role in monster drops too. This is just speculation and until something more obvious is found, I have no reason to believe that is is not affecting drops.

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Agreed, but there are too many uncontrollable variables with monsters spawns and behaviors to get anything useful out of them. It would difficult to manipulate 1 enemy, but a pack with individual behaviors all acting at the same time would be impossible.

There is only a limit because Microsoft restricts access to your save files on your own system. On PlayStation the number is unlimited because you can save characters to a flash device, or online storage, and move them
back and forth. I’m not at the limit, but I am strongly opposed to being restricted from my own data.

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Hmm… I nearly bought PS5 due to the cruel nature of Xbox cloud save and many of the restrictions of my own data as you say but… I found that there was significant change between PS4 and PS5. In PS5, you can no longer for instance select specific local game progression data like single game and move/copy to external USB. You can apparently do only full device backup to external USB flash drive which is not ideal when you only want to restore a single game data and also clumsy as the restore works like a factory reset/restore of everything. The indication was that Sony is making this harder for users to make incentive to use cloud based saves. It is still more flexible compared to Xbox but I feared that it is heading Xbox way in the near future.

Is this not true/the case?

I watched the Ber video, there is no way in Options/Game Settings to change the seed code on Xbox as in the video. Is this correct?

I too had my hopes up until I saw the command code to replicate the seed.

So the short answer is, no not possible as to my knowledge.

There is one question about the video. I did watch his live video before it all unfolds. Just question the coincidence he had the same seed as the guy 5 months ago on reddit that discovered it. He starts the live video already doing random tests on that seed out of the millions.

I wish we can have some of pc features like that or unlimited respec to test stuff out.

I kind of drooled looking at all those Bers however.

If your on Switch. I can give you 1 online. No need to drool.

I appreciate your kind offer, but I am strictly offline. After a 10 year’s absence, I only play D2R and can’t justify the monthly charge for access to games I am not interested in. My Xbox came bundled with D4 which has some online play, I logged on once to make sure it worked and looked ok, no desire to go back.

SP is much more rewarding when you find gg gears. I want to pick that up again. Never had nice stuff. I focus more online.

Nintendo has family plan which you can share with 7 other person. I pay once and never again for 7 more years lol.

I have invested a good amount of time on this game. Even when I stopped and tried other games. I still go back and replay d2r. Just seem timeless.

D4 or the likes dont strike me with interest. Too much going on screen.

Edit: GGM has released another follow up video with his continue research. The next one is very interesting. Check it out.

That’s disappointing to hear, I’m mainly a PS4 player, and occasionally Xbox one. I haven’t played the current gen consoles. Part of the reason I prefer the PS4 is because it still lets you manage your own save files. The automatic backups on Xbox just don’t feel safe. I know plenty of people that have deleted the save thinking it would be backed up, only to lose progress, or lose the save completely.
I don’t think there is any good reason to restrict us from our own files. It’s yet another reason to dislike modern gaming.

Unfortunately no. However the character files are the same on all platforms, so you could hypothetically take a character created on pc
With that seed, and port them to console. But if you could do that, it would open up Pandora’s box to everything else that could be done.

The only thing you can do with this info is to try and reproduce it. Get yourself a map where the chests are fairly close to the wp. Since loading rhe area affects the drop, you want to limited the distance that you travel to keep the loading consistent.

Do lower Kurast either by it itself, or first in your mf runs. Try and be methodical, and hope for any rune drop. Once you get one try and reproduce it using the exact same actions.

Btw this isn’t new info. Here is the mrllama video I referenced in my first post where he consistently gets a mal rune from lk

The thought that struck me is that with 8 Bers, you could craft a Zod.