Modders roaming this forum hear my call!

Hi guys

I was curious and wanted to try to mod the game with a certain goal in mind

Reduce immunity impact by making synergies more flexible

But now I’m kinda stuck

I want to make synergies bases of groups like “fire”, aoe, cold, projectile

Which could easily be done by just making everything from these group a synergy

For example:

cold + projectile

(skill(‘Blizzard’.blvl)+skill(‘Frozen Orb’.blvl)+skill(‘Ice Bolt’.blvl)+skill(‘Shiver Armor’.blvl)+skill(‘Ice blast’.blvl)+skill(‘Frozen Armor’.blvl)+skill(‘Chilling Armor’.blvl)+skill(‘Glacial Spike’.blvl)+(skill(‘Blizzard’.blvl)+skill(‘Frozen Orb’.blvl)+skill(‘Ice Bolt’.blvl)+skill(‘Shiver Armor’.blvl)+skill(‘Ice blast’.blvl)+skill(‘Frozen Armor’.blvl)+skill(‘Chilling Armor’.blvl)+skill(‘Glacial Spike’.blvl))*par8

But problem is, Maximum 256 characters in the synergy slots in the skills.txt

Do you guys have any idea where I could type those to be accounted?

Maybe Zax since he’s the only one I know that is currently delving in such project

I don’t know anything about modding, but I’m glad you’re finally trying something like this. o.o

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This doesnt have easy solution. There could be some workaround tho. You could in theory rename all skills to have very short unique names in files to have less characters. But it would not be enough. I dont know about way how to do it. I think it could be somehow possible but i dont know how.

Thats why I said to you that to balance something like that would be nightmare as you keep working with so long calculations and there is so many skills improving dmg.

Of course you’d have up to 30 potential synergies… but you are still limited to 100~ skill points

Mmm pretty sure you can refer to them with their id


But that only shortens it by 10-15% when I need 3-4x more characters

Somebody told me to use calc sections but I don’t know how they work and can’t find info on them lol

There is Diablo2DataFileGuide if you extract content of data/global/excel, could help, or try phrozen keep.

Thanks mate

Ps: opening Skill.txt made me realize how lazy blizzard is

Allowing all Skills on both clicks is just a simple switch from 0 to 1 in that file…

Think I got it, just gotta find how to use it lol

calc1: to calc4: These fields control special calculations accessed directly by the server-side skill functions. Their purpose is universal, as their result will be applied to whatever the function is designed to apply it to. Some missile functions will access these fields if the missile is assigned to this skill in Missiles.txt. This obviously can contain calculations (and static value). If a calculation field isn’t used by the skill function you can try everything from throwing your computer out of a window to yelling at the field, it won’t change unless you use another skill function . You can reference unused skill calculation fields inside other calculation fields however to obtain more space for long formulae.

Wonder if, fireball for example, I can put my aoe skills list in calc1, my fire skills in calc2 and my proj skills in calc3 and refer them in Esynergy as (calc1+calc2+calc3)*par8

Modder here, and I will gleefully ignore your call, thank you very much.

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Ok so if you need this info one day

I managed to do it

There are calc 1-6 where you can put your formulae

Then you can simply refer to them as “clc1”

Doing this allowed me to divide each synergy groups into their own section and respect the character limit

I managed to further reduced them by referring them by their ID


It’s fun, now my thunderstorm gains

5% lightning damage from lightning skills
3% lightning damage from aoe skills
Faster hit rate per AOe skills

Pretty toxic behaviour lol

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Thanks for sharing it, did you fully tested it if everything works that way?

I only did sorc synergies so far as im learning to modify skills

here is a demo of thunders storm

obviously gonna tweak dmg values a bit lol basically test values now

and still gotta find how to change the Synergy description for Projectile, fire, etc

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It looks cool but constant flashes are not good for eyes :slight_smile:

Lol thats the player’s choice lol

making a thunderstorm build would come with a 10% promo code on blue light blocking glasses lol

but still gotta find how to change the Synergy description for Projectile, fire, etc

You have to do it via skilldesc, and link it with skills.json file entrie if you want some new description or make new skills, its under data/ global/lng/eng/ i believe. And you should chsnge both d2r and legacy version. Idk if that path is corrent, i am on phone.

Btw one tip, its case sensitive if its “S” or “s” fir exampke so careful with that. And if you add new strings, go from number like 55000+.

You need visual studio for json files for example. Join this discord, there is plenty of guides: