Missing stashes - Please acknowledge PezRadar

I see your post regarding the issue that people are missing stashes, but it was 15 hours ago and supposedly some are fixed, but many others are still not. Can you still confirm that you guys are actively working to correct this? People are panicking.

Same stuff happened to me: known bug. SEND IN A TICKET!!!

From the forums… Lethal Bug Report

"시체전문가212 posts
Lethal Bug Report (All items in a shared item stash disappear)

Bug Acting Conditions

Put items in a shared item stash as a ladder extension character
Put items in a item stash as a ladder original character
When you check the shared item stash with the ladder extension character, all items evaporate"

I also want confirmation based on the wording that when he said people aren’t seeing their shared stash that it actually means all the items have disappeared(as opposed to being unable to access the tab for some reason. )

Items in shared stash are totally gone for me. Including gold. You can put items into it now but that’s probably a bad idea.

Same issue here. all stash 2,3,4 gone from softcore, both season and non-season