Migrate everything to steam

Get rid of battle.net since Microsoft is taking over just put everything on steam. Migrate our purchases and leave the past behind. I like battle.net, but I just want everything on one store front and steam is it.


Get out of here with that noise.


I’m sure Valve wouldn’t mind a 30% cut from ActiBlizzion.

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I have a better idea, release D2R on GOG! Slap on a lan mode for good measure.

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I guess you are trolling, but Microsoft would rather put it on their own store than on steam xD

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Steam Store:
Flight Simulator
Flight Simulator X
Age of Empires 1-3 incl. Definitive Edition
Age of Empires 4
Forza Horizon 4 and 5

→ am i a joke to you?

Its not impossible that Microsoft will release much more on Steam. Look out for Starfield, The Elder Scrolls VI and Fallout 5 (in 10-20 years ofc).

Get rid of the legendary system that made Blizz games cult classics?

I can’t believe I read this. There are some players(like myself) who have been using b. Net since D1 days that are all pretty much thinking this is sacrilege.

Wouldn’t that be fantastic, DRM free and LAN functionality.

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Exactly, why steam :joy:?

I would gladly shell out full price for the game again, if they had the decency to get rid of the pesky DRM. They might just as well at this point.

he’s not wrong though

halo games are released on steam so

i haven´t seen microsoft´s but i bet it´s less trash than the other two.

you can launch ANY game from steam. just sayin…