Microsoft is a criminal organization

F Microsoft, and frankly blizzard for allowing Microsoft to force people to pay them x amount of money to play online for a game they own, specifically diablo 2, if I owned diablo 2 on a GD PC I’d never have to pay monthly to play online for a game I already own, what Microsoft os doing should be classified as criminal, and blizzard should be held accountable for allowing them to do it

This is what happens when the consumers let these companies get away with their fraud business practices, a.k.a. live service games. Any video games sold under a perpetual license has to work no matter what whether you have access to Internet or not and the companies authority over said thing ends after purchase. this is why people should learn the difference between a perpetual license and a subscription license but when these products are being sold as something they’re not that’s fraud, I refunded this game for Nintendo switch after 30 days because it ceased to function because of DRM, called Nintendo within 15 minutes I got a refund because the game is being sold under perpetual license not a subscription license don’t support live service games. Or the companies that make them They are frauds. These companies just need to go back to their roots and make physical media with true off-line single player without retarded Internet requirements. Sorry if I’m a little off-topic, but this is how I feel about the video game industry, especially with these stupid live service games that are frauds.

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I dont see why you havent :
first, find out what specific penal code or regulation is being violated, contact an attorney, file under class-action, include D2R cross platform players.
I got online access on XBOX crossplay for D2R off a free month of Core Game Pass so I am not impacted as badly.

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The product is being sold as something it’s not which is fraud. This game is being sold under a perpetual license not a subscription license. There’s already a group of people looking into legal actions so I don’t need to waste my time with that And in the USA they are straight up hard mode when it comes to this cause it’s one big gray area which is laughable, Internet is not required never has been, and it should never be unless the game is sold under subscription license Which it clearly is not, it’s all the hacking modders, they have ruined video games, cause they won’t leave these companies intellectual properties alone thus they have to take these anti-consumer measures to secure their intellectual property so I blame both The community and the publishers. If you really want more insight on this go to YouTube search games as a service is fraud and look for the 1hr long video under the channel accused farms. This Will explain everything.

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Yeah, i don’t think you know what you’re talking about.

Yeah, and you’re just another bootlicker, stay a slave creature. Games as a service/Live service games is fraud when it’s being sold under a perpetual license.