oook, so couple of weeks ago Nova killed my Laptop GPU. After some deliberation I bought a desktop.
GPU is 4070ti, monitor is still the old 1920x1080. All is fine I am playing with nvidia control panel setting and all, but one thing bothers me → Mercenary skill ikons (especially the aura icons, especially blessed aim) look extremely ugly. That can be observed best when you go to Jerhyn to hire - I see a lot of ugly aura icons. No matter how I change anti aliasing settings or whatever - ugly, fractured, as if the original image is 4k and the game is trying to squeeze it in 640x480 resolution.
I do not seem to remember those icons being that bad when using the laptop (1050ti), but I could be wrong. Are those Icons clear and beautiful for you or distorted?
Could that be some nvidia control panel setting, or in game graphics setting? I seemingly tried all of them that could be related.
Can anyone shed some light on the matter?
Can you hire harem girls from Jerhyn? And they still get Auras?
Just picking on you, I think you mean Greiz.
Here’s what mine looks like: 
Here’s my graphics settings: (Sorry for the ugly image stitching, I apparently didn’t pay attention to how I was snipping each one)

I’m on a 2k monitor but a much older/worse GPU than you (RX 5600 XT). I haven’t had an nVidia card in a personal computer in quite some time (nothing against them, just the way it works out in terms of performance for the money I’m willing to spend whenever I am buying) so I can’t help with specific nVidia settings, but if you’re playing at 1080p and either nVidia or D2R settings itself are doing some scaling oddity then that could be the issue?
Thanks for the reply; This looks way better then my situation.
My provisional conclusion is the resolution …
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- I am no computer expert -
I too was having many graphics hiccups…
Played around with in game settings until I was blue in the face… and either I’d continue to have problems, or, things would get somewhat better, but the cooling fans were running more that I’d like.
Finally made a bunch of setting changes in the nvidia control panel, 3d settings area, and presto… game runs smooth and fans are not audible.
in graphics settings, make sure Diablo is listed to run on your card, and is set to … performance … I believe.
in task manager, details, you want d2r set to priority
hope some of that helps.
On the contrary to these suggestions, I’d leave 3D settings in the “Let the application decide” selected and would not change rendering overwrites for specific games. The reason is that it will give different results in different games and you might forget you changed something, moreover you can change something incorrectly, and it could be difficult to find what is causing the problem.
The only options I tend to change in control panel are:
- digital vibrance (usually set it to 50% because I personally like stronger colors),
- g-synch
and the rest are defaults.
I recently bought a new PC with a 3070 in it and maxed out all settings, so I have no issues with the graphics/framerate (v-sync must be on, otherwise the card can overheat more than it should).
Make sure sharpening is not set to a high value (6-8 should be the right value), otherwise you will get headache when gameplay is fast and check if this affects image quality.
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so … it is not the resolution
on a laptop with 1050 the merc icons look like the ones shown by insidious.
on the new machine with 4070ti those same icons look way uglier (way more noise) on the same monitor
as a whole the game is fine - only those icons are bugging me
Could you post a screenshot of it to somewhere so we could see?