Everytime I save and exit then return playin like, after an hour, the map wont save. Last time I played Diablo 2 expansion its not like this. Somebody having this kind of bugged? Sorry, first timer here playin diablo 2 resurrected with this particular bugged. I dunno, if this is normal or what -_-
What do you mean by “map saving”?
In Online mode (D2-LoD BattlleNet) maps and their layouts change with each game.
In Offline mode (D2-LoD single player) the layout of the map stays the same as long as you keep playing the same difficulty. As long as the map is not changed by moving between difficulties the map you uncovered so far is saved.
I get it now. Sorry for my bad English and also, first time to encounter like this about the map. So, only in offline mode works not on Online. Thank you so much for the answer, I thought it was bugged.