Make vengeance passive skill added to sacrifice or zeal or charge

Nobody uses vengeance in the skill tab. So what if vengeance damage and attack rating is added with skills like zeal sacrifice charge and normal attack damage. Vengeance on its own is a terrible skill on its own. But if you added it with zeal. Each attack has an extra boost of elemental damage and attack rating.

Vengeance combined with zeal would be OP af.
Not as strong as a Mosaic-sin, but still he would melt everything it touches.

Vengeance is just bad, because it’s a single target ability

Late to the party here…
Interesting idea.
Physical Sunder Charm is not entirely useless, but since there are no -physical resistance items in the game (like there are for elemental builds/skills (Doom, Death’s Web, Infinity, Phoenix, Hand of Justice, etc.))… it is still almost useless… better off running an AzureWrath or Demon’s Arch on swap in my experience for dealing with immunes.
As such I have interest here… Vengeance would not act as a -physical resistance, rather an alternate damage dealt while working your main skills (like a caster does w/ Sunder and -%res gear/items/facets).