Make SSF Mode a Thing! HC and SC!

Let’s go it’s about time and it can’t be that hard!

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Agreed… However it’s more than 30 minutes of work for Blizzard, so probably never going to happen.

Guys will run bots 24/7 just to piss everyone off.

At least they cant flood the market :wink:


When playing single player, it is self found, and so SSF already exists, even on ladder - it’s playing completely alone on multiplayer. People whom play this way don’t care about the economy or market. They are either playing the ladder for ladder only gear, or to see their name on the ladder, or both.

What people are asking for in these SSF threads, specifically, is a SSF ladder - everyone plays alone and finds their own gear while climbing a single player ladder. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well there’s just SF though.

You can socialize but you can’t trade. They would have to change it though so only SF players see their own drops… I know a big shift.

It’s not totally out of the question. Plus the challenge of players 1 on Bnet versus people cheesing with P8 etc in single player.

a full ssf mode would be the best thing to happen to this game

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it already exists… play single player…

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That’s why they explicitely wrote SF, and not SSF.

sf is useless bc of multiclient

ssf is the only way

The game would also need to not exist after leaving, just like SP. This would be the funnest ladder race ever for people who like to play alone. Even pro speed runners would play, competing for the first hell Baal kill.