Can we add +skills, all res, cast rate and other prefixes to crafted armor/helms/belts etc…
With a proper list of prefixes available for crafted items, it can make them best in slot for certain builds if lucky enough.
We have proposed a set of pre-set mods for the four crafting themes in the below thread to help improve crafting. We also proposed the ability to upgrade crafted items, crafting ethereal items, relax item restrictions, and re-roll rare items with 3 P. Skulls. If you can think of anything else, please share your thoughts.
Crafting Theme | Pre-Set Mods |
Blood | Vitality, Life, Life Steal, Life Per Kill, Life Regeneration, Chance of Deadly Strike, Chance of Open Wounds, CtC Life Tap On Striking |
Caster | Energy, Mana, Mana Per Kill, Mana Regeneration, Increase Maximum Mana, Damage Taken Goes to Mana, Faster Cast Rate |
Hitpower | Strength, Damage, Enhanced Damage, Attack Rating, Minus Target Defense, Chance of Crushing Blow, CtC Amplify Damage On Striking, CtC Decrepify On Striking, CtC Lower Resist On Striking |
Safety | Dexterity, Defense, Enhanced Defense, All Resist, Physical Damage Reduction, Increased Chance of Blocking, Faster Block Rate, Faster Hit Recovery, Half Freeze Duration, Hit Blinds Target, Hit Causes Monster to Flee, Knockback, CtC Frost Nova When Hit, CtC Weaken When Hit, CtC Confuse When Hit |