[Main Thread] - Can not create or join games - "character is already in a game"

“Character is still in game on the server”

Region: Europe
Char name: all characters
Account: Bib#21990
Platform: PC

Time: 1130 04/03/2022 GMT+1 UK Time.

Still cannot enter games around 5 hours later.

Please assist.

"Failed to enter Game. This Charakter is already in a game on the server. Please try again.

Region: Europe
Char.-name: all characters
Account: Jinzaar#2616
Platform: PC

Time 16:23 04/03/2022 CET

After waiting for ~2 hours still cant join / create any games.

Please assist.

"Failed to enter Game. This Charakter is already in a game on the server. Please try again.

Region: Europe
Char.-name: all characters
Account: maloni#2363
Platform: PC

Waiting for more than 4 hours

Please help

Same error here.

Please fix it. I have to do MF-Runs :roll_eyes:

Хоть отписались бы криворукие

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Battletag: tyggegummi#1641
Server: EU
Charachters: All
Platform: PC

Been waiting for some time along with everybody else

me too i need archid for my sorce and some gore for my ama

Same here please fix asap.

Same here. Can’t enter any game with any of my characters…

Same here on XBOX Series X.
GT: Benzezima K, Char: Nnda (Level 84 Sorceress)

Battletag: junior20#2362
Server: EU
Charachters: All
Platform: PC/Xbox

my guess they are to lazy to fix it lets wait so we can patch the game thats the blizz attitude of the year

Hello I have my 2 accounts (b)locked out for more than 15 hours now.
Server: ANY
Chars: any
Platform: PC
Please let me back in again, thanks!

Battletag: Kureman#21532
Server: EU
Characters: All
Platform: PC

Hope no lost items I traded when the bug appears because they are very rares

battletag: merlin86#21854
server: EU
characters; All
platform: PC

help! get me out of the fictitious game that my character is supposed to be at.

1 Like

same here, been stuck out for 3h+

Help please.



all characters locked in “Another game”

I was disconnected from D2R when playing on Xbox 3 hours ago and cannot play again. Tried after 2 hours, still the same error:

User: BlackWolf#25974
Server: EU

any word from blizz about this? i was disconnected about 7 hours ago and still cant enter

1 Like

Same here, all characters are locked

User: Cross#3100
Server: Asia
Platform: PC and NS