Battletag: jhager#11957
Server: America
Character: jhager
Platform: PC
Character stuck in game after character list disappearing
Name: Smeet
stuck at 2:50 PM EST
on PC
this launch has been absolute poop.
Been locked for a while now.
Battletag: BigBadPanda#2557
Character: Fiskarn
Drakuloth, well thanks for the warning. I had the launcher up since ~8AM PDT and NEVER saw a maintenance warning. I donāt watch twitter like a hawk, and I donāt refresh the forums every 30 seconds to watch for announcements about things that have no broken and locked my char. I know you do not have anything to do with this problem, but you do represent the team that is on the front lines. For your own well being, you need to push back and make damn sure players know about this kind of stuff, and maybe we wont spint venom at the very mention of Customer Support of Community managers every time something bad happens.
Bnet Tag: Derkuli#1627
Character: Der_kuli
Lockout time ~10:30 AM PDT
Again, my launcher DID NOT have a post about the pending maintenance. So this one is on you, the Customer Support and the teams.
failed to enter game this character already in game on the server please try again later
Character Name : SiinCity
Assassin Level : 85
Stuck right after maintenance started and canāt make or join any game since
second time stuck in 2 days
characer: all
platform: pc
I was locked out of the game this morning for 2 hours. Got unlocked and played for 30 mins. Then i get kicked off for an update and now im locked out again since 11 PDT
Bnet tag : Milzer#21136
Character : Pepina
Locktime : 19H
No characters, then already in gameā¦
Server: US
Character: Toast
Platform: PC
Character: Toxicvein
Locked out 1:30 pm cst
Character already in a game - locked out
Character: Genz
Server: EU
Platform: PC
This happend around 11 AM PDT 26. sept
Character: Scariiest
Locked out 1:30 cst
Battletag - Krats#11318
Character - Wild-Arms
Original Stuck 9/25/21 11pm EST (logged for evening, relog this afternoon entered 1 game, left to make next sequential game, became stuck again - 9/26/21 about 1pm EST)
Time Zone - EST
Account locked out Marrgon#2214
Character already in a game - locked out
Character: gimpoison
Level : 49
Server : NA
Platform : PC
Stuck after maintenance
bnet tag: Yonskie#2488
character: Anton
Time: 21:20 GMT+2
Server: EU
Platform: PC
PC Windows 10
Battletag: blazed#1705
Server: America
Character: Cleo
Platform: xbox
1pm est
Account: clouds#12724
Character: Circe
Server: America
Time: 12:30pm mountain time
Platform: PC / windows 10
Left a game right around the end of the maintenance and the game crashed.
Opened the game back up and it said I was still on a game in the server. tag: turtlethomas#2945
Character: tuhtle
Server: NA-East
Lockout time: 14:00 EST
Platform: PS4