As throwing weapons are very limited and no runewords exist for this weapon subtype, I would like to propose to the developers to introduce a new elite set- “Madawcs’ Anguish.” This set would be designed for the Barbarian and comprised of two throwing axes as follows…
Madawc’s Ancestral Tomahawk
Set Winged Axe (Main Hand)
+250% Enhanced Damage
+40% Increased Attack Speed
-33% Target Defense
+20-30% Chance of Crushing Blow
+15 To Strength
Damage Reduced By 10%
Replenish Quantity
Madawc’s Tribal Hatchet
Set Flying Axe (Off Hand)
+200% Enhanced Damage
+50% Chance Of Open wounds
+33% Piercing Attack
+1-99 Max Damage (1.0 Per Clvl)
+15 To Dexterity
+15 To All Resistances
Replenish Quantity
Complete Set Bonuses
+2 To Barbarian Skill Levels
+5 To Shout (Barbarian Only)
When a critical strike is executed, it now grants Level 5 Frenzy for 15 seconds
+150% Extra Gold From Monsters
+15 To Vitality
+10 Life After Each Kill
Set attributes would need to be fine-tuned, but wanted to share the overall premise.
Courtesy of Zax:
I like this idea a lot!
I have a couple of thoughts.
- I think we need IAS on the winged axe. Maybe instead of the strength?
- The damage on throwing knives/axes is quite low, so Throw Barbs usually require ethereal weapons to be viable. As set items can’t roll ethereal, I think the damage needs to be higher in some way or they won’t be used.
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You dont need IAS if winged axe is used as offhand weapon. Doublethrow doesnt take into calculation any %ias on offhand weapon. Only base speed of offhand weapon (-10 for Winged axe) is taken into calculation.
There is a Bulkathos set and Bulkathos ring already. How about if the name got something with “Madawc”, he is the iconic throwbarb afterall.
And I overall like the stats.
Changing Prevent monster Heal to 25% Open wounds would look better to me, since Shiv is kind of weapon to inflict bleeding.
%ctc Amplify is pretty much same as Lacerator. Not having distinction.
Maybe some 5-10%ctc lvl1-2 Corpse explosion would be interesting instead Amp.
With throwbarb a 10% chance to proc anything is proced very often. Also coupled with piercing.
Corpse explo could work hand-in-hand with your throwbarb merc suggestion: merc having Lacerator for Amp and you having Corpse explosion set for Cowboy-barbs duo .
Since Set cant roll ethereal, this set won’t serve as endgame set probably. So how about one of the weapons (or both) from set was Exceptional version. So it can be aquired in Nightmare. There is Set upgrade recipe anyway so it can be upgraded later on.
I like your attention being on throwbarb, since its my favourite barb build .
Do you want help to visualize your idea?
Agreed, I moved IAS to the main hand to ensure Double Throw takes into consideration.
As this set is now exceptional tier that can be found in Nightmare, the damage should be appropriate.
Great idea, changed set name with Madawc! I also changed set to be both winged axes to be consistent as Madawc uses 2 throwing axes.
Agreed, both weapons would be exceptional versions of throwing axes (Hurlbat, Francisca) that could be upgraded later on.
As Madawc casts Shout, I think it would be thematic to have CtC Shout When Struck for added defense. This would help give this set a unique identity and flavor.
That would be awesome!
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Now this is a set that I would use!
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I like that you changed the name to Madawacs’ Anguish.
You captured the Diablo spirit in these items, something that Blizzard failed to do with Diablo 4.
They came up with some goofy names like “Eyes In The Dark” Yeah okay there Blizzard.
Anyway, great idea.
Replace Shout with one of the offensive warcries.
Otherwise the proc will overwrite barb’s own Shout, even if the latter has higher skill level. And even if the proc level is high enough (barbs don’t max Shout as often as Battle Orders, and also don’t equip many +skills items), it’s still little benefit, given that the barb can just cast this buff himself.
Also consider changing “when struck” to “on striking” - that’d make the warcry being cast at the enemy location, not barb’s - better for this ranged build.
War Cry or even Battle Cry On Striking could be interesting as it would be at enemy location. I was trying to keep theme as much as possible, maybe Battle Cry would be most fitting and useful in this case? Battle Cry is useful against bosses and War Cry damage would be awful w/o synergies.
Another crazy idea is CtC Grim Ward When You Kill An Enemy.
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I’d rather exclude War Cry - without synergies the damage would be too low. It could be used for the stun, though.
Howl could be annoying, making monsters initially far away even harder to hit (although useful for those that already approached the barb).
Taunt is the opposite of Howl - monsters approach the barb instead.
Battle Cry seems to be a safe choice - no annoying crowd control, just defensive and offensive debuff.
Or, if you want to make the set even more crazy, add Howl and Taunt. It’d be hilarious to see the monsters running towards and then away from the barb.
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The stun on War Cry would be nice, but I would lean towards Battle Cry or Grim Ward.
Grim Ward would use a corpse and cause fleeing, but the enemies are slowed and take more damage. It feels on-brand, like the Barbarian’s version of Amp Damage.
I think Grim Ward when you kill an enemy is also the more aggressive option. Do you want safety, or to strike terror? Both are good options, but I know where I would lean.
I think ctc Shout isn’t ideal for Throwbarb as ranged he is not hit that often. I would more incline with other guys suggestions like Battle cry, War cry. Potentially Burst of speed to offset Francisca slow base speed.
I would love ctc Grimward if it didnt fear monsters. It would fit barbarian theme. But fear is bad.
If you want to bring the spirit of Madawc, give the set bonus a big +5 to Shout.
Also a hint. To make it appealing to identify these axes, like you identify IK hammer for maximum crushing blow. Make some rolls on it randomized.
For example Crushing blow from 20 to 30 on Hurlbat.
Dexterity from 15 to 30 on Francisca.
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Wouldn’t battle cry replace amp/decrep?
Grim Ward also slows, though, so it’s not as bad as Lacerator. Another benefit is that it makes enemies take more damage, which is important because we wouldn’t have access to Amp Damage or Decrepify as they would be overwritten.
Yes it does. Still better than Shout for Throwbarb.
I know it slows. But it fears away. And the slow combined with fear combined with Extra fast monster pack is so annoying I rather not use it.
Only good use of Grimward is in Maggot lair, where monsters cant run. And similar tight places. Even in cows its so annoying you rather get Lacerator or Decrep merc.
Reason is that as throwbarb you want to Pierce enemies! When they fear and run in every direction you are basically a Frenzy barb not throwbarb with pierce.
How about adding a ring to this set? Would be nice to actually get excited when a green ring drops for a change
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You can use the pictures in your first post.
Much appreciated, Zax! Would it be possible to create set items in-game and test them out in a video for us to see if set is in a good state?
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I love this idea. What if there was something totally unique you could do with this… when you land a critical strike with double throw, Frenzy is activated? I’d definitely want to use it, even if the damage wasn’t BIS. That would be a sweet QOL since lots of people use Frenzy to get their throwing going anyways.
There’s got to be a way to make it valuable as an end game alternative, right? What about the %increased max damage per character level? Wouldn’t be too big on exceptional items, but might help quite a bit on elite versions? Or maybe increased minimum damage? Why not make the items drop as ethereal since the damage is only at 200% / 250% ?
I definitely feel like one of the set bonuses should be +throwing mastery and +double throw.
Either way, I think this is a super sweet direction. Trying to think of things that would be good, but not mega OP.
I currently dont have equipped barb for that offline. I jsut made fast barb lvl 99 to drop them.
There is nothing to see anyway really in gameplay. I mean you see the stats, doesnt seems so impressive even when upgraded to elite version tho.
I would add barb set helm into that set , MF on full set, maybe +enhanced lvl per level on weapons, also I would not use francisca, I would instead use Winged Harpoon.
Well I would not make it NM set aynway as its easy to find, I would make it elite set. And one of them should be also ethereal.
I mean its decent for NM set but I though you wanted something elite initialy