I am trying to confirm I am doing everything right on rune farming in Lower Kurast:
-Hell difficulty
-2 campfires
-Players set to 7
Basically using my sorceress I am teleporting to the super chests, opening then repeating. So far I have spent about 2 hours farming using these guidelines and not only has no high rune dropped, but no rune has dropped at all. Again, just want to make sure I am not doing something wrong and / or leaving a step out
The chances are so small I don’t think it is entirely worth just farming LK alone. The best runes I’ve found have come from trav, cows and wsk. I have yet to find a hr from LK and I’ve been farming since launch lol
You’re doing everything properly, it just comes down to RNG. Even though it’s statistically the best spot for farming runes up to Ber (even Jah if you don’t mind cubing Bers) it can still take days to grind some runes. [Guide] Gripphon’s LK vs Travincal vs Cows - runefinding guide | PureDiablo.com - The Unofficial Diablo Forums
Check out this guide by Gripphon, he’s a well known member at the old diabloii.net forums and PureDiablo, he’s got a lot of experience and game knowledge and there’s a lot of research in that article.
The reason why LK is so good is because of the way superchests work, they are limited to a total of 65534 patterns. On /players7 there’s 9 patterns that have Sur runes and 3 with Ber runes, there’s also patterns for other high runes as well. So you’ve got a 9/65534 (~1 in 7282) chance of a Sur and 3/65534 chance (~1 in 21845) of a Ber per chest and there’s 6 chests per run, and you can crank out runs pretty quickly. Granted D2R does have significantly slower load times than original D2 but it’s still the vastly most efficient farming spot for Ber runes. D2R Single Player - Tips to Improve your Load Times and More : Diablo (reddit.com)
You can follow the tips in that post to increase your load times a fair amount, that would significantly cut down your time. It’s also worth mentioning you will also find lots of gems, charms, and jewels as you farm LK so it’s not just runes.
I found a Sur in those 6 superchests after only 4 hours of farming but then farmed some more 4 hours daily for 2 weeks with nothing but low runes dropping.
So RNG is very RNG.
Was on player 7 with about 40 seconds per run due to not super great map seed.
if your only goal is HR(Uniques sorta exclude)…in order
No.1 Travincal(Cold Sorc//Hammerdin)
No.2 Durance of Hate 3(Trav Guys(for HR) + meph and chest behind Meph as bonus for Uniques)(Cold Sorc)
No.3 Chaos Sanctuary(Seal super uniques + bonus loot for Uniques from Diablo)
(Cold Sorc)
No.4 Nilathak(HR + Key + any ilvl unique items)(Lightning Sorc)
No.5 Arcane Sanctuary(elite ghosts pack + 8 super chests(2-3 from each dead end + chance at Summoner Key(Lightning Sorc)
No.6…multi-zone…each being about equal…
Ancients Tunnel(Cold Sorc)
The Pit(Lightning Sorc)
Eldritch&Shenk(Lightning Sorc)
Pindleskin(Light&Cold Sorcs,Hammerdin
Lower Kurast Chests(Jah,Cham,Zod cant be found)
No.8…Worldstone keep(would be a No.6 spot if not for the deadly packs…such as
Gloams,Minotaurs,Dolls,Unraveller giants packs(X6-7))
new No.6 Areas for patch 2.4
Spider Cavern
Ruined Temple
EDIT: dont forget to farm in baal runs room ! for 3X highter drop rate
…at least 7 players for maximum drops benefit
bro there are far better ways to spend your time than doing a billion lower kurast runs. have you tried using a hero editor and just make the rune urself? It’s single player
I ran a simulation using all the known data, and on average, you need to 450 runs before you see a high rune. Which means it will take you roughly 7.5 hours if you are doing 1 run per minute.
It’s still a grind, but around 8 hours of grinding, if you still haven’t seen anything, then start feeling unlucky. That’s the threshold.
He considers that high runes are from Gul to Ber, so the chance to get one of it at p7/8 is:
38/65536 * 100% = 0.058% or 1 rune in ~1720 chests, considering we have 6 chests we get one rune per 287 runs or if one run 30 sec it is 2+ hrs.
If you look at the patterns at p7/8 the most probable runes are going to be Gul and Sur where both having 11 patterns, so you have 22 out of 38 chance to get one of it instead of other HRs.