Loving Resurrected, what are some features that could make it even better

TCP/IP, it was yanked at the last minute. Why? well my siblings and I are right now playing a /player8 game (all 3 of us) and it’s a blast. We also transfer items we farmed on our level 80-90 main (we each have one or more, of course) to boost our power with weaker classes.

Can’t do that in D2R right now.

Also, give more storage space. Ppl have suggested an economy tab, and that is a great start. But having say 50 storage pages (account shared) would be very nice. If they want to sell them at 5$ each, I don’t care.

Haven’t touched the game (D2R, not D2LOD) in a long time now with no purpose playing it. It was jarring at first to go back to the old D2:LOD graphics, but you quickly get back into it.

TCP/IP is the most important feature tho, the extra tabs I could live without even tho it’s annoying when you get used to Plugy.

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I think it would be better to reduce drop rates so that its not as easy to gear up, that way people wont get bored as fast and quit till next season, the economy would be good, the prices wouldnt drop so fast.

I’m sure 3rd party sellers would love for that to happen.

The drop rates are fine where they are. (That’s coming from someone who plays casually)

Agreed, TCP/IP is the biggest feature I’d like to see reinstated in D2R. Co-op on any player count, modded multiplayer, less ping, etc. So many pros.

If they wanted to reinstate TCP/IP, there is bound to be a way for them to do it without compromising the security of the players and/or the the netcode of closed Battle.net play. Would it require some work? That I have no doubt of.

They cited security as the reason why they pulled it.

A small but simple QOL improvement would be when the HOST created new games for baal runs that they don’t get trapped in the center of all the players entering the game which forces them to wait longer before they can start to teleport to throne. A small inconvenience but after doing it 50 times in a row it gets annoying.

For starters, smite should transfer elemental damage and work with deadly strike :joy:

Personally, Id like to be able to choose the race ,gender of my chr, also if they had more options of humanoids , Dwarf, Elf, Troll , Orc , etc

to be able to have Dwarf Barb, Elf bowman , so many possibilities

health bars over each damaged monsters’ heads ala poe/d3 :wink:

it’s a bit weird losing track of your target’s health if you have to click elsewhere for movement or w/e.

bothered me back in the days too.

*poe didnt have them at first, they added it in later on from popular demand.

**priority would be performances imo but i dont think thats a feature - it’s just something they need to work on.

fixing FHR back to 2.3 or in between 2.3/2.4
giving wsg back if back to 2.3 fhr
revert block animation casting
fix whirlwind frames with 2.4.3 patch
reduce life leech to hostiled people/summons

its new game for children with grief and beast after that patch, they will fix that stupi move when children will grow up and want play some pvp :smiley: in next 20 years :joy:

They could maybe stop banning people randomly

Higher drop rates for high runes would make this game better.

I like this idea, especially the male/female option as a minimum.I would still wonder if this would be a step too far form keeping it core d2, Which is why i like this discussion because i do believe some polish on core resurrected is needed,and on another hand people seem to want some d3 ish or beyond improvements, I wonder if these should be “new” content as an option to toggle or as its own expansion, myself included in this at which point though do we leave it how it is you know its worth discussing
i think

Here is a short list to answer your question