Same, took a day of PTO to play yesterday and crashed in Act 5, lost all progress back to Act 2. So a waste of a day of play and a waste of a day of time off. Not pleased. Not sure I want to play until this gets resolved.
same problem my paladin disappeared. cant see my lvl 36 account.
yep, congratulations you will now be called slayer bane, theeeen back to mid act 3. not worth the day grind just to lose it again , when they said its just the original game with a new skin… i thought they had bugs handled.
the same here, from act 2 to act 1… so much progress lost, and i played offline!
same here. lost 9 levels
ayer estaba en el acto 5 con lvl 25 hoy he vuelto al acto 1 y tengo nivel 14 esto es lamentable espero que lo solucionen cuanto antes por que si no es así pediré la devolución de mi dinero y se acabo
Came here to add the same. My character was rolled back a full act after 3 hours of play.
Lost my whole char as of this morning. Not sure what to do. I have created a ticket, but this is really bad. I’ve played for about 18h…
Lost all progress and gear unless it was moved to a shared stash yesterday.
Same… So frustrating, losing hours of progression. What the hell is this, amateur hour?? Why are developers releasing half finished game, this is really starting to get on my nerves!
You’re not dealing with teenagers, the majority of D2 players are adults who played the original back when it came out. We don’t have time to deal with bug reports and such… We work, have families. Games are a luxury now…
After playing in the afternoon of 9/25, the login character was lost today
Same problem Role disappeared
Same problem Role disappeared.
Damn I guess I’m lucky compared to you guys, my paladin went from level 14 to level 11
I played my hc-char on friday (24.09) up to lvl 22 and act III. Now i wanted to play again but yeah… the progess is lost and my char is back to lvl 5, early act I. Well done Blizzard, well done.
My char was completely deleted aswell. It’s very frustrating, i was just about to kill Baal. Any of you got your characters back?
Progress is still lost
finished act 1, logged off for the night. next morning, logged on, character is level 1 and is as if it was never played…
Any news from Blizzard regarding characters disappearance ?
They plan to patch the game 13h30 ET this may take 3 hours. Lets just hope there is a patch to this frustrating bug…