Looking for Some Bowazon Advice:

So, I did a physical bowazon this season. She is my 4th or 5 time doing this over my life with D2 and D2r. I started life with a bit of an usual take on her. I had around 1,300 health. Enought strenght for gear and the rest went to dexterity.

Passive and Magic:
1 in everything besides pierce

Javalin and spear:

20 power strike,
20 charge bolt strike
1 in their prerequisites

Bow and Crossbow:

20 Guided Arrow
20 strafe


Helm: Circlet: +2 amz skills, 30 rw, 15 all res, 6% mana steal, socketed 15 IAS jewel
Amulet: Metal Grid
Armor: Fortitude
Gloves: 20 IAS hitpower gloves, 2 to javalin and spear skill, fire resist
Belt: Thuder God’s Vigor
Rings: Raven Frost, Carrion Wind
Boots: Natals
Weapon: Mist 12 concentration Aura
Swap: Obedience in a +3 amazon skills Matriarical Spear

Merc: Act 2 Might
Helm: Cure
Weapon: Reaper’s toll
Armor: Treatchy

So, the build was pretty straight forward. I would start most runs using the lighting skills with the obedience until I got a few kills and proced the enchant off of the spear. Then I would normally swap over to the bow and rely on strafe to do most of my killing. If something was physical immune or I was fighting an act boss I would swap over to the obedience and kill it with charge bolt strike. I know most players perfer faith over mist. However, I went with Myst originally because it was cheaper to make. But I kept it because it’s an extra 2 to all skills, 40 all res and I get 100% pierce without having to spend any skill point or run razor tail. That and my brother wanted me to use it because he was running a zeal paladin with level 36 fantatcism equipped. So, we could stack both auras. I was at max res with this setup using my torch, Anni, and only 3 other small resist charms in my inventory leaving lost of space for other stuff.

So, I recently made a change to the build. I found a Sur rune. So, I sold my fortitude for a Lo rune and made Sur, Lo, Sol, better know was dragon. This gives me a level 14 holy fire aura, level 18 venom. So, my overall DPS actually went down by about 300 points a hit. However, I also proc a lot of level 15 hydras and they make up the difference. With the fire and posion damage I am finding I don’t need the lighting spear on swap to deal with physical immunes. So, I am trying to reset this build and could use some advice. This freed up my weapon swap slot and about 45 skill points since I am not suing the spear tree any more. I have 3 options for the skills and I thoguth I woudl seek some suggestions on what to do with them.

Option 1:

Put 20 points in exploding and fire arrow. This would add exploding arrow in addition to my strafe physical build. Plus exploding arrow would get the added extra damage from from my holy fire aura.

Option 2:

Put 20 points into cold arrow and freezing arrow. This would do less damage than exploding arrow and have a smaller blast radius. But, it would add a different elememnt to my build and offer better crowd control.

Option 3:

Put 20 points into magic arrow to deal with physical immunes my armor struggles with and 20 points into the valkery to have a better summon tank.

I am trying to figure out which path to take or ask if there is another setup I am not seeing with this build. I am also trying to figure out what to put into my weapon swap slot. I am not worried about losing the enchant. I can just prebuff with a demon limb club out of my stash. Any advice would be welcome.