Long staff of teleportation not working/bug?

I bought this staff which is supposed to teleport you to wherever you right click on the map. It says charges 33/33 which assume means I have 33 charges. But nothing happens, I have exited and reentered the game several times but no change.

Are you opening up the right Skill Tree Bar (T) and clicking on teleport, then teleporting?

I didn’t think I needed a teleportation Skill if I had a teleportation staff??
And I don’t see a teleportation skill in skills(T)

In order to use the teleport charges, the staff with Teleport charges must be equipped and set as the active use weapon.

I think T will open your skill tree, but skills gained via charges don’t show up there as far as I know. You’ll have to press “s” or click on “right click skill” to get the menu there.

You should see teleport appear there once the staff is equipped and active (so you can’t be on weapon swap I and it be on weapon swap II, for instance).

Once you see it on the pop-up menu you can assign it a hotkey and select it for use like a normal skill.

Unless you play with controller in which case it will appear under misc skills past your normal skill tree…

OP please stream and share the link, we can watch and comment on your playing ability


My Speed Bar is set to hotkey T, my bad!

Click on the right skill tab in your hud, and the teleport skill will be there.

Click on it, and teleport with the right mouse button.

Thanks for the replies everyone. Insidious, you got the right of it. Thanks again.

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