Login que permanent?

If this is gonna be permanent, that’s a huge blow to the game.

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Yikes. Just discovered the queue as well. And on top of that, chat isn’t working. It’s amazing how complicated it is for them to fix a 20 year old game. It must be old code or something because this is horrendous.

They said in the blue post (top of forum) that it is temporary but… we’ll see. My personal guess is 1-2 months before the server code is fully optimized, tested, and they remove the queue system.

That is so sad do they not understand how often the game crashes

They are attempting to come up with solutions.

Would you rather 3 hours of downtime during peak outs with roll backs continue?

Just let them do their thing.

I logged in was 11th in cue, Had to wait almost 90 seconds to get in. I’m thinking maybe a refund or a class action? :stuck_out_tongue: Sometimes I think we don’t deserve this game.

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Or enough people quit. Blizz wins either way, they already have the money.


You might consider looking at solutions on your end as well.

I’m approaching the 200 hours played mark and have maybe 20 crashes in 200 hours. Most of them happening as I logged out anyways.

As I just posted in another thread… I have no clue what is causing some to crash often and others to not crash.

There is some hardware or software that the game is not playing nicely with while I’m sitting on one crash that wasn’t when I was closing the game out anyways. I’m interested to see what is causing some to have a horrible issue while others none.

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It makes trading with other servers very hard. Plus like I said above the game crashes too much to have a log in Q. So you’re saying I wait in the log in Q for 1520 minutes. I get in the game and then crashes or freezes up or anything else which is common and now I have to reweight in the queue

Fair point, heh 20char

I think I found the unicorn you are the only person I know that it doesn’t constantly crash on every streamer I’ve watched also has constant crashes

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it’s like people are trolling, they even released a blue post, in which they stated that hundreds of thousand of ppl are trying to play from only one region, and d2 classic code system can’t handle it. Get over your lives guys, waiting 3 minutes is not the end of the world. And the funny thing is it doesn’t matter what they do or say, even if they explain and with tepmorary queues they stabilize servers, you are just coming here to rage on the forum.


Yep… This broken the game for me. I’ve been ONLY playing offline since release. After this patch, I now get prompted with the silly queue msg that I never had before… sure… I can press ESC and go into Offline mode… except the game is now broken. I started offline and around 1 or 2 minutes into the game I kicked out to a black screen with the Diablo 2 logo on the right lower corner as if it was loading something… and never gets out of it. Can’t play offline.

It is when the game crashes constantly shifts basically unplayable if we have a cute log in and after logging in the game crashes after an hour

Do you not understand what it impacts?
Trading. Good luck if they’re on another server.
Or you type the game name wrong. Then you’re forced to wait even LONGER.
Oh you’re trading? Too bad, you crash, now you have to wait in que again.
You think this is peak times and this is justified? I want what you’re smoking.
To think that adding a que will stabilize anything is a joke.
It won’t do anything except perpetuate the problem and make it worse.
Get out of hear blizzard boot licker.

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My assumption, and this is fully based on the system specs I’ve seen posted, is that the higher-end the equipment (so the more you can max out the graphics) the less stable the game is.

That is purely my assumption as I’m running a 1065 on a laptop and since it is pushing to a 32" my setting are low/medium depending on setting. Others have mentioned not having issues but their equipment is almost always pre 20XX Nvidia cards or ATI equivalent.

your mad, get a life. go outside. too much gaming makes you bitter. good day.

You sound like a child. I’m betting 14

It’s Friday night PST, seems pretty peak gaming time – and I was 22nd in queue, got in in like 2 minutes. omgwtfbbq!!!

There is a blue post at the top explaining the situation.

The TLDR for your point is that there is a Global Database Server that is the bottleneck. While it is not primetime in the US it is in other parts of the world.