Loading Multiple D2 instances Same PC

Have helped a couple of friends and decided to put a step by step procedure to running multiple instances so you guys and try and compete with bots… I will try to dumb it down.

It is NOT against the TOS as you have to Alt Tab and control each character one at a time.

How to run multiple D2R instances with 1 computer.

First you need a PC that can handle multiple diablo’s at once… If you have to ask then you probably need to upgrade.

Sub Steps.

  1. Make an Email for each Diablo you want to run. You want to run 3 diablo’s at once? Chant+BO+Main? Then you need 2 emails. Your main account already has an email.

  2. Make 2 brand new Bnet accounts using each Email. It is free.

  3. Buy diablo II (D2R) on each new account. Yes you have to buy diablo on each new bnet account for how ever many screens you want up at one time. If you want a Chanter+BO+ Main then you will need 2 new diablo purchases on your 2 new accounts. Once you have all you purchases complete and 2 new accounts do the following.

  4. Open each Bnet account and top left little blue blizz thingy click Settings.
    Scroll down to bottom and check the box “Allow Multiple instances of bnet”. Do this on each new account you made by logging out and logging into the other.
    Log off all accounts and close them.

How to load these new accounts.

  1. Go into your PC files. Example: Open any folder. Scroll down Click “THIS PC” find Drive - Click on C:// Drive. Then Click on Program Files (X86) or wherever your diablo D2R folder is. You can search files for your diablo folder. Once you find it, HIGHLIGHT it by left clicking on it. THEN Right click on it and Click COPY or CONTROL+C. De select it by clicking off to the right side, Right click and click “PASTE” or Control V. This will copy and paste your diablo Folder. Do this for as many diablos as you want up at one time. Your main folder is your main account. Each copy is your 2nd 3rd and so on.

Copy as many times as you want diablos running. It will show like this
Diablo II Resurrected.
Diablo II Resurrected copy
Diablo II Resurrected Copy 2
and so forth

  1. Go download “Process Explorer”, from Microsoft. It is Free. Make a New folder on desktop and extract it into that folder.

  2. Go into your C://Drive > Program Files (86) or wherever your copies are and Open your original Diablo Folder. Double click the “Diablo II Resurrected Launcher”. Your BNET app should pop up asking you to log in. Enter the account you wish to open first. Example (Your main account email). Once you login the play button will light up and you start up diablo II.

  3. Go into your “Process Explorer folder”. Right click on Process Explorer file and click “Run as Administrator”. Its going to open up a box that may look weird to you. All you need to do is hit Control + L. This opens a box down below. Scroll down the list and find D2R Exe. CLICK ON THIS and it will display processes running down below in that box.

FIND EVENT - “Sessions/BasedNameObjects/DiabloCheck For Other Instances”
Its not hard to find and its always BasedNamedObjects/Diablo Check for other instances.
Right click on this and Click “CLOSE HANDLE”…

Leave Process Explorer running.

  1. Go back into your folders and go to your Diablo II Resurrected Copy file. Remember the ones you copy pasted? Go to the first copied one and double click Diablo II Resurrected Launcher… The Bnet APP will appear again asking you to LOGIN. Login to your next account that you want loaded. Put 1 of your new email and passwords in and the Play button will Light up again. CLICK PLAY and diablo II Should launch a second window.


  1. Go into your “Process Explorer folder”. Right click on Process Explorer file and click “Run as Administrator”. Its going to open up a box that may look weird to you. All you need to do is hit Control + L. This opens a box down below. Scroll down the list and find D2R Exe. CLICK ON THIS and it will display processes running down below in that box.

FIND EVENT - “Sessions/BasedNameObjects/DiabloCheck For Other Instances”
Its not hard to find and its always BasedNamedObjects/Diablo Check for other instances.
Right click on this and Click “CLOSE HANDLE”…

Leave Process Explorer running.

Back into your folders to open the next Launcher which would be File < Diablo II Resurrected Copy 2. Launch it and enter your next email and pw and login. Click play to launch another diablo II.


If your diablo game shuts down and you have to re open it you must go into process explorer and shut down the Event every time.

It is not against the TOS to run multiple Keys as long as YOU DO NOT USE ANY KIND OF AUTOMATION ON ANY OF YOUR ACCOUNTS.

You must alt tab and play your own characters. I will double check in a bit and make sure I didn’t miss anything…

Short version? You’re bascially Launching a Diablo II and then finding the process that searches whether diablo II is already up when you click play again on bnet app. You close that “Process”, and it allows you to launch another diablo II on another bnet account.

If you have any questions Just ask.

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This is just another way to give blizzard more money to keep the drop rates low.

If they upped the drop rates you wouldnt need to purchase multiple copies of the game to find items.

But thats how blizzard pays you back. They give you better items the more money you give them

Completely pay to play.

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I don’t disagree with you but if you want good drops you either need friends on to have 3+ in game because 2 people is still solo or you need multiple D2 accounts to load up your own mf games.

I play HC and this is the safer route vs public rooms.

They need to fix the console problem so the guys with the console controllers cant pick everything up first before the pc players.

I should be able to go into a public game and pick up items that drop directly beside me when im clicking on them instead of watching some console turd walk halfway across the screen while im madly clicking at a item that cant go into my inventory because console has priority.

my one copy of the game alone should suffice for me to go into a full game and not be at a loss to items because im not on a console,

I just cant give them more money for this…

even more reason for having your own 3+ accounts.

IF you’re into trading items, like really into it then this is the way to go.

I do 3+ in my own rooms. I don’t have any friends that play diablo anymore so this is my only option. You CANNOT find anything good solo unless you literally kill meph andy and baal and all 85 areas literally 10s of thousands of times.

I also love helping out the community so I always Have a Chanter account up and running in Norm ON HC for when people die.

Old news dude, a good chunk if not the majority of us have used process explorer. It isn’t as nice as running multiple windows with classic d2, requires a lot of memory so you need a pretty nice PC to run 2 let alone 3 windows. Many of us run multiple accounts, don’t let the cry babies bring you down.

Is there anything against this in terms of service? Or rather, is this a bannable offense? I want to do it, but don’t want to if I’ll get banned.

Lol I know people that literally beat hell once and never played it again except for fun with other people.

You don’t need a single good item honestly. None of it is arguably even necessary we do it for fun. Beating hell faster, trading to get rich, it’s just for fun.
Drop rates haven’t changed in 20+ years it’s always been this. well technically I think high rune drops have increased in certain updates over the life of the game to what we have now

It is NOT against the terms of service. As long as you control all characters legitimately. No third party things to automate chanting or bo or anything like that.

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Multi client is not supported and could get you into trouble.

it’s totally not bannable. the info has been on the forum pretty much since release here.

games on sale, there’s no reason not to run at least 4 at once.

How would you even efficiently control 2 or more characters in a legit way when running multiple instances of the game?

Would be nice to have a legit way of efficiently and effectively control multiple instances.

Multiple Copies… I just now realized why P8 is so “taboo”. Blizzard wants me to buy a solution to a problem they could easily fix. And the elitists already have multiple accounts to fix this error so they would feel robbed.

Interesting dynamic…

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Nope you cannot be banned for this. IF they decide to then they will make a public announcement just as they did with multi boxing on wow.

I have a pretty nice rig and running 5 is touchy. It will randomly shut 1-3 of them down to to memory and heating issues.

The majority of casual gamers here probably can’t manage any more than 2 screens. My son runs a 3060 with a decent setup and 3 will run but randomly shuts the others down which is annoying.

You alt tab

It is mainly for Enchanting yourself or others while you play in same game on your main account and for using a BO barb to bo your Main.

Exactly blizz will not allow /player8 command online because so far enough people are purchasing multiple accounts

IE = they make a shizzle ton of money off botters