Lightning Spearzon - Questions-2

I have a few questions regarding the skill Lightning Strike.

I read somewhere that the skill always hits and that you don’t need AR for that.
Meaning that the attack of the spear might miss if you don’t have AR and deal no physical damage, but the lightning damage will be dealt regardless.
If that is true, does this mean I don’t need any extra points in Strength or Dexterity to deal damage? Just enough for my gear?

Also, does this mean that in hell I don’t need any expensive heavy hitter weapon?
Just a +3 Amazon Spear (with Hustle for example) ?

The charged bolts go off whether you hit or miss. Attack rating is needed if you want physical damage for leeching, but not to deal your lightning damage.

You absolutely true! I’ve recently made build guide with that concept in mind.

You can try to find it on youtube:

Infinity Spearzon - NEW - Fully Optimized Lightning Amazon Build