Light Radius Idea

Currently, light radius stat is pretty useless.

Considering that a greater light radius would theoretically provide a greater area of sight, it would make sense for it to provide a bonus to attack rating, and or block chance.

The thing is, Light Radius is so low on the priority list of almost all players that players simply skip the Light Radius line. If you add another effect, then players are going to pick items for that effect, not for Light Radius, which means it’s simply replacing Light Radius with a weaker duplicate of another affix.

Nah, thematically light radius should provide extra damage to undeads within that radius

Light radius should be a defense mechanic. The less enemies can see you, the more evasive you can be. The more light radius you have, the more you are noticed from farther away.

Nah, they wan’t the BENEFITS out of a barrel xD

Or better off just leaving light radius as it is now. I’d rather not see any changes that would only make the game worse than it should be. Change this, change that. Sure we need changes here and their. But not this stuff. C’mon.

Or + light radius = increased autopickup distance for gold. It would help reduce having to zig zag around or backtracking for autogold to work. Up to +5 yards light radius = up to 5 yards autogold pickup radius.


Attack rating and melee in general just needs to be reworked.


That is actually a really “golden” idea.


I like the light radius effecting gold pickup range honestly.

But I don’t think there is anything wrong with AR at all. Even SSF’ing melee through HC runs AR isn’t much of an issue. Even awfully geared builds are in the 80% range against everything but Baal/Clone/Ubers by their low 90’s.

No matter how much you buff AR you will only pick up like 15%-20% damage. The issue isn’t attack rating, it’s elemental builds being stupidly overturned, and mobs with flat 50% hidden block values. Melee would need to somehow pick up like 1,000% damage and be able to hit 30 targets at once to actually be competitive lol. It’s never going to happen. All changing AR would do would be gutting a mechanic for no gain.

The only way buffing AR would actually fix anything would be if you scaled it into some weird way that started allowing multihits from over 100% hit chance. I mean let’s be real if physical melee builds 1 shot everything and never missed, they’d still be so far behind the meta builds that it wouldn’t change anything. The only way to make melee not awful, is to nerf the strong stuff.

I mean the only truly PvE useful melee builds left are a Zerk/Horker farming Trav, and a Smiter for torches before you get the gear to just kill them with whatever ele build you want to, and frankly… with sunders you can really just do them with a naked Blizz Sorc now anyway so you really don’t even need the Smiter.

Arguably the only reason to play other melee is for the challenge of it, so buffing them then leaving them still “bad” only removes the last reason to play them lol. I personally enjoy the heck out of doing HC SSF melee runs. No one plays melee in PvE because it’s “good” they play it because it’s hard/fun.

Light radius would be useful if it actually increased your light radius in D2R graphics, it makes a notable difference in legacy graphics but D2R it’s an infinitesimally small difference.

I saw a cool site awhile back that lets you compare images with a slider, so I took multiple screenshots that compare various amounts of light radius (base amount, +5 which is max, and even negative amounts) that makes it very easy to see the difference and how useless it is in D2R.

Might be your monitor. On my side monitor the difference is negligible. On my main it’s night and day.

It’s the same story for my brother’s monitors and other people I’ve talked to on Discord and such, doubt it’s a display issue.

Weird. It’s notably brighter for me on the main monitor. The side one is kuje a 10 year old 60hz Acer… the newer HDR enabled 144Hz one looks way different in that example. Then again I do keep my contrast fairly high on that one for messing with sprites.

Hmm it could be related to HDR (or lack thereof), mine’s an Acer X223H which is from 2009 so a pretty old monitor. I suppose I should’ve specified my monitor and my graphical settings in the bug report, I’ll have to do that.

If you wouldn’t mind taking some screenshots of default (0) and maximum (+5) light radius on your HDR monitor and sharing them here that’d be nice for comparison purposes.

Well to capture it I’d have to take a physical picture of my screen then upload that. Sadly I don’t so much as own a phone. (Yes Blizzard some of us in fact don’t own phones.)

EDIT: Actually it showed up better than I thought in just a SS. Here is 0 LR vs 8 LR with HDR enabled.

It’s a fair noticeable difference. Another thing to note is this picture looks awful on my side monitor, but perfectly fine on my main. Pretty much how windows captures images with HDR enabled.

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That looks like light radius actually functioning like it should, would be nice if it made a difference like that on all monitors.

I have a feeling they didn’t test it on older hardware. :confused: