Let's Talk About D2r & Streaming

Cool random idea you clearly put a lot of thought into. And as awesome as it would, id bet my life nothing like this will ever be added. They said they were extremely hesitant to even add auto-gold, so id give up any hope of them actually implementing new features or content but this is still great in theory. The modding community is going to explode even further this time around and im sure lots of cool things will be added via those channels, just not officially by Blizzard.

but its not PVP now… If you look at streamers on twitch, barley anyone is PVPing at any one time. Sure they do here n there, but 99% of the D2 streams are farming of some kind, ubers or speed runs. PVP is fun n all, but D2’s pvp system is terrible and the vast majority of the people who played the game play it for PVM.