Legit Multiboxing D2R

So just load up an offline game and do /players 8, what’s the problem? If it’s a difficulty you’re in search of then it’s already there. Why would you go to all the trouble of having to make seven other accounts to try and play on battle net this way when you can just easily launch up an offline game right now and do it?



there are no bots on single player i can destroy legit

Why would ladder matter if you’re just want the difficulty players 8 has to offer? Ladder is for an even playing field.

i am preparing for to beat the bots legit

when this " even playing field " your talking about gets taken over by bots

i am going to run so fast from them LEGIT

anymore questions?

Just because others cheat doesn’t make it ok for you to contribute.


but i dont multibox or pay to win you idiot what do you not understand about that you #$%% idiot

It’s cheating regardless of whether a blizzard will do anything about it or not. Pay to win is cheating. Even if Blizzard won’t ban you for using eight different accounts to give you the pay to win advantage over a normal player, it’s still cheating. You can disagree all you want, but enough of the population would agree with me. You are wanting to cheat.

And it’s embarrassing.

Like, Just boot the game and play. Are you that bad that you need to play with such an advantage over other players?


but i dont multibox or pay to win you idiot what do you not understand about that you #$%% idiot


You made a thread asking about playing with seven other characters parked in town. That requires seven other accounts. That’s called multi-boxing.

This would give you /players 8 on bnet. You would have this advantage over others because you paid for it. Normal players would not be able to have their own personal /players 8.



You know it, I know it, he knows it, and they know it. It’s all about getting an edge on gear and wealth for ladder. There is no explanation that justifies it. Just own it. No one cares until you deny that’s the goal. And then no one cares except that it’s pathetic to try to have some altruistic reason for doing it. And since the ladder is based on exp gained, it’s even worse if that’s the reason. Good luck, God speed, enjoy, but for God’s sake don’t lie about it.


" would " if "

couldnt of said it better myself

So how is it different from calling 7 other people who want to do the same thing and park their toons in town AFK?

Playing with others is a game dynamic. If you can get players to spend their time doing that, more power to you.


Honestly this is no different from a single player levelling 7 other mules apart from QoL. I guess you want large D2R communities like d2jsp to be more powerful because it is much easier to find people who want to same thing there. Then I don’t understand what you are even doing, I thought those who complaint about p2w are not fond of d2jsp.

Incorrect. /players 8 changes the market capabilities. It exists in single player because there’s no market to manipulate. In multiplayer, there is, but only certain classes would even benefit from this on a market perspective, because a lot of class specs cannot even do p8. When both the damage gap as well as the mobility gaps are closed across all the class specs, then this would be a reasonable change proposal, but until then, the way you curb that behavior online is by creating a time gate aka longer game creations/joins for numerous clients.

This post says the old maximum allowed clients was one, and now it’s three, which means they INCREASED it, which means they fully CONDONE multiboxing, yet you’re up in arms against it, thinking they should remove it entirely? If they set a limit here, do you have any idea how dead this game would become overnight? I don’t even think I know more than 2 people who don’t use at least 3, out of an entire full friends list…

If they change their TOS and it prohibits you from using copies of your game, you can do a chargeback through your bank, even after the 180 day limits as long as you can prove it’s company policy changes that prevents its intended usage, so do you have any idea how many chargebacks would be occuring? You think a company like Blizzard is going to willingly just put a policy in place that forces them to refund people a few million dollars? Yeah, not likely. They’re already in deep enough with their share holders as is.

Out of curiosity, how will you run 8 accounts? Do you have 8 computers?

As far as I know, there currently isn’t a way to run more than one instance of D2r on a single computer. Just an FYI in case you are assuming it is possible due to the “allow multiple clients of bnet” check box thingie.

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I personally beleive you are only wanting to do this for an economic advantage. I dont think its about the “difficulty”.

Everyone would love p8 for higher drops but we cant do it.

You can just play offline and have your difficulty increase ?

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Unfortunately, they seem to have their hands full buffing the strongest classes and nerfing the only challenging enemies :grimacing: can’t be bothered to respond to our totally unimportant debates about fair gameplay


Was going to reply but then realized if you argue with an idiot people won’t be able to tell who the idiot is

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This is why people are against Player X online, because they want it to remain precious pay-to-win. Of course it benefits Blizzard so…

Oh, and it’s the same with people playing Diablo II Communism (to put it kindly; it’s just mostly streamers taking advantage of naïve individuals high on parasocial interaction dopamine/endorphin by having them do free-labor to them for attention).