Legacy Mode - Sound Glitch


There has been a serious problem with the sound in Legacy Mode ever since Diablo II: Resurrected was released. I decided to create my first topic on behalf of everyone in the community who regularly enjoy playing the game, or would love to, on the old-school graphics.

I am not sure whether it occurs with the Call to Arms runeword exclusively or the Battle Orders and Battle Command skills in general, but most of the sound effects are cutting out and glitch within a short period of time after using those. This is happening so frequently (basically always broken and persists in Modern Mode) that most players can no longer be bothered to restart the game as a temporary fix.

All that can really be done - we either continue with it messed up or reboot the client once and feel compelled to play on Modern graphics instead.

Takes away a lot of fun and game immersion for more than just several of us. Similar threads regarding not only Xbox but other console platforms were posted here and elsewhere. If you could look into the matter, it would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,


EDIT: The sound breaking is directly connected to switching between weapons sets. Never happens while using just one the entire time.

Maybe the regacy mode in swich version has a bug… swiching weapon has the problem.