Lazy But Effective Way to Buff Melee?

No joke buff my barb , to be fair players 1 he is god , anything above he hits like a wet noodle.

Something like this maybe , idk but there is a reason the best builds are all caster builds.

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When I tought of it I dont like general AoE splash on all skills to be added. Takes away core distinction between skills.

Rather do it like this:
Bash - make the knockbacked monster deal AoE damage to monsters he get thrown into. Increase % ar, dmg.
Frenzy - make it hit attack speeds like 100% (like when att speed was uncapped in D2R for a while), so in the end attacks go so fast it will feel great without any splash.
Leap attack - they made it great! But just for normal/nightmare. Add % weapon scaling to AoE or damage to AoE comes from boots kick damage like assassin have. Also speed of leap based on %FRW.

Last and most important for barb REMOVE GRIMWARD FEAR EFFECT!!! Then barb will be awesome!

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The need to roll weapon masteries into one hander and two hander then add 3 new synergies.

Something like this imo, might be a bit Op maybe capped at 0.5 per level 0.75 with synergy so you can get 20% without , 30% with synergy at 40 points.

One hander -------------------- Two hander
----------------- Open wounds -------------------
Deadly strike ------------------ Crushing blow

One hander, Deadly Strike synergies with Open Wounds , if two hander takes points into Deadly, does not get the synergy

Two hander Crushing blow synergies with Open Wounds if One hander takes points into Crushing Blow does not get the open wounds Synergy.

Op? maybe :partying_face:

Or maybe some talents that, when using a two hander as one hander gain increased att speed etc etc or when sword and board and only one weapon equipped gain some bonus etc etc

Or have WW synergy that adds elemental procs to it etc etc or get rid of Open wounds and have magic damage synergy for all attacks but mainly to go with berzerk instead of howl.

Heaps of things they could do with barb its the most interesting class and the potential is almost unlimited, its just a shame that casters builds dominate this game and for good reason.

Maybe better att rating scaling too, nothing crazy being able to hit/miss is still a good idea, just maybe not as punishing. Idk about this one tbh.


Remove level from the attack rating/chance to hit formula. Right now the formula is Chance To Hit = 200% * {AR / (AR + DR)} * {Alvl / (Alvl + Dlvl)}
This means my barb attacking a council member where our stats are:

1403 defense
level 88 mob
7592 attack rating with berserk
level 83

the chance to hit is:

200% * (0.84) * (0.48) = 80.64%

My attack rating is so much higher than their defense, but my level is just a couple levels short and you can see how much of an impact it has on the calculation. If the level wasn’t part of the calculation, so it was just the attack rating and defense, it would look something like this.

200% * (0.84) = 164% chance to hit
I feel like for 8k attack rating against 1.5k defense, this is more than fair.

If i wasn’t using berserk, my chance to hit is only 25%, even though i have 2x their defense in attack rating without it. And am only 5 levels below (still in full xp range for levels)

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Go… Away… :rofl: splash dmg… You want splash? Play a class that can deliver it.


Lol nope…
That’s not what melee needs

Melee needs aoe

They should add splash

But it should come at a certain price

Splash should be the byproduct of Knockback

This allows it to be a “opt in” mechanic

It also makes Knockback less of a detrimental mechanic

It also makes splash not all positive

But mainly it’s based on logic

Knockbacked monsters collide with other monsters on their path, transferring kinetic energy into damage

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That sounds annoying , they just need a little aoe / cleave nothing crazy.

Knockbacks sucks on melee it reminds me of fears on melee weapons, hard pass bro.


Typical milenial

“I want everything but no way in hell I make sacrifices to have it”

C’mon dude, he just don’t agree with your idea calm down. i don’t agree with it either as knockback is really just annoying in melee.


I want a little cleave not chase after mobs as a melee character. Its stupid idea, like 1 outta 10

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Rework the AR formula, missing 20-30% of your hits is an insane damage loss.
Or add hitchance to spells to make it even :wink:


That shows the limited brain power of some people on these forums

  1. optional

  2. this would effectively make you less chase monsters… if with a single hit you can kill multiple monsters, you won’t have to “move to next monster”

Only if wolfie and bear could cast while in its form.

I mean just think necro would be a bear casting all sorts or even a sorc.

So sensitive there is a reason no one likes this idea, knockback only really suits ranged physical chars, its annoying, its not fun just like fears in melee are not fun.

When you fear in melee its for survivability just like knockback is to keep mobs away from you. Its not rocket science.

stupid idea.

Dont have to reinvent the wheel here people just want a little aoe/ splash / cleave whatever you want to call it nothing crazy.

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You said it … (IF) with a single hit you can kill multiple monsters… (If) you cannot you will have to deal with block/AR and now run because of knockback… Melee are already underplayed except for uber … we don’t need to make it worse but quite the opposite, I don’t mind a (Side effect) or straigh up less damage on the AoE/Cleave but knockback is really not good for melee.

100% this.
Not everyone that plays this game wants to stand in the corner of a room and have all the monsters melt.
I have a char with some AoE (zeal/dual-dream) for MF’n, and I have a zeal/fanta pally for enjoyment. Neither are good MF’r, and I’m ok with that, I play the game to enjoy the game. I think people that play the game with intent to find items have really lost sight of the actual game.
The dual dream guy is fast (for melee) and boring to be honest.
The zeal/fanta guy requires picking monsters out for first attach, retreat, gather mobs in patterns to attack again, use of obstacles for separating mobs etc etc… aka, you have to think to play melee well.
Making him yet another “walk into room and all monsters melt” build is a complete, and huge mistake.
If that were to happen, there would be no melee.
Adding splash/AoE to melee, is nothing but a means to remove melee from the game.


To be honest Dual dream pally aren’t really melee … they can just run around and kill everything in P1, And sorc dual dream is better :stuck_out_tongue:

Agree, but to need clarify, running around and around waiting for pulses while taking damage is not only slower than stepping in and zealing, it’s also not as fun… and you can get trapped, and have to zeal you way out anyways… may as well step up to the plate :slight_smile: and in Hell, acts 4 and 5, he’s extreamly slow if relying only on pulses… like mind numbingly slow… oh well, I don’t enjoy pure casters, so, that’s what I’ve got.
So, that is why I noted he has some AoE…
But, yes, you are right.

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I love all the suggestions for like cleave or splash…when talking about a werewolf druid…who already has Fury…lol

Melee is fine. No it’s generally not going to be the best for MF, though it can be (Pitzerker? Trav Horker?), but MF really isn’t the endgame of D2, killing enemies is. And melee does that just fine. Ditch the MF and focus on killing stuff, having fun, and maybe some HR’s drop.


Physical damage weapons used to deal a higher percent of the enemy’s health in damage. And then they buffed all the monsters in the game and added synergies to boost damage output from the players–at the cost of build diversity.

They didn’t calculate it properly for physical damage abilities, however, as those got left in the dust while certain spells either got pushed into A and S tier, or stayed in A and S tier.

Instead, we ended up with effects such as crushing blow leading to Smite Paladins being the strongest boss killer, Grief becoming necessary to deal reasonable physical damage, and most melee abilities becoming obsolete at anything less than high end levels of gear. Physical damage bowazons fell off the map, physical damage zealots disappeared, and whirlwind barbs cried in a corner. There were exceptions, but as noted above they required significant investments.

There are three solutions that I could see working, and while I highly doubt they will pursue option 1, they might pursue options 2 or 3.

  1. Return to 1.09 values, removing synergies and restoring true build diversity and hybrid specs.
  2. Buff physical damage on the items.
  3. Buff synergies on physical damage skills.

On melee characters, physical damage synergies might be more difficult to scale properly because of the effects of Grief. On bowazon, it was no problem. Therefore, I believe that option 2 would be the best bet.

Alternatively, and as otherwise noted on this thread, splash damage could be a feasible solution. But I don’t think they’ll go with it, as it would probably require more work than they’re willing to put in. Options 1-3 above simply require number tweaks. And it feels like they want to do the absolute, bare minimum these days–and then only after a lot of negative feedback from the community, if they maybe feel like it, and usually way too late.