Lawbringer balde sin

been using lawbringer in cryptic sword as a secondary set up on my blade sin , this thing is amazing , what an under rated weapon/ runeword it makes short work of any undead and tackles phy immune like a hot knife through butter also the decrepify stops baal from teleporting or cloning . paired up with a spirt shield it’s on pare with a azurewrath even though it doesn’t have all the magic punch it has the decrepify that is very useful . anyone else use this combo on a blade sin ?

Usually I try to use the highest damage weapon I can find, With CB and DS
I may try it, How is your Trash kill speed?

Lawbringer can be used as early as level 43. So it’s a fantastic leveling weapon, until you get better options. It’s also one of the strongest weapons against undead because of the aura. Decrepify is also essential in essentially doubling damage output for lots of mobs.
The drawback is also quite fatal though - slain monster rest in peace and knockback. With these two effects, the speed won’t be as good as metas (plague+A2 merc with reaper’s toll) in current game version.

I use laying of hands and G face with spirit and Nats armor with 120 ed along with Nats boots with a Cryptic sword Lawbringer Im lvl 91 with a torch and 20 -19 anni a + 2 crafted blood ammy and Raven frost and a corruption turn with some life leech and resistance . I’m full blade sin . blade fury dmg with no venom or merc added . is 1451 max but that has to be wayyy off as I’m one shot killing the regular and quickly taking out everything else in 1 player games with little to no effort, in 8 player the only thing that slows me down are the phy immunes everything else falls pretty quick so the actualy Dmg output is a mystery to me but I would imagine it’s close to or over 8,000 .
I have a Chaos claw and Bartucs that works just about as good and better on some but on bosses and everything else the decripify just makes it no contest , even in 8 player it may take a little longer but there’s no threat of being killed it’s just a matter of when will they fall .

it’s over 9000!!!

I don’t mind the idea of using Lawbringer for decrepify, it would definitely help boost your blade damage. My only personal issue with it is that the weapon has “Slain Monsters Rest in Peace.” This makes Death Sentry useless, and it kinda sucks when you’re already stacking so much into Traps. You can work around and play without it, for sure, but it is such a good source of AOE.