Latency/lag issues once again today

Rubber banding and failing to connect to server when creating a game on ladder – issue has been for roughly an hour now.

Anyone else experiencing this? i know hardcore has been having alot of hardship with latency.

***Update – 3 hrs now of latency issues and getting worse – game is almost non-playable now -


Everyone is experiencing this. Blizzard as a company is almost useless. Latency issues have been a problem since season 3 started, and they don’t even care enough to attempt a fix. It has NOTHING to do with the amount of people playing, because I can almost guarantee there are less players this season than last season. Blizzard needs to get it together and actually attempt to fix things before they add more content, or remove content.


my necromancer is teleporting around the map without enigma


I play Classic with:

rubber banding
hard to create a game
dis connecting
3 days in a row unplayable for hours at a time.

I have broadband with Cat7 Ethernet cables from router to pc (solid connection both ends)

D3 has no issues
Immortal has no issues

What in the heck is going on Blizzard?

Why the D2R Giant disconnect between selling the game and then us playing it?

Make your voice heard here:


It’s botting, guys…
Botters jamming the servers, leaving regular players struggle, while they rake in the dough. Very irritating.


There is no way I would play HC in D2R the way it is.

You are a brave soul!

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Hahahah I don’t play HC. I’m too scared to lose my gear. :smiley:

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It was happening from the beginning of the season before anyone was botting. Sure botters are a pain, but they aren’t the cause for the lag. This is 100% Blizzards fault.

Botter spotted?
20 char

It was playable for a little bit, but has gotten worse the last 20 minutes or so for me. It’s sad to the point of being funny, really. I always figured unless Blizzard made certain updates to the game, it’d morph back into the bot wasteland the original servers were. Doesn’t look like I was wrong. Blizzard just makes their games too attractive/profitable for botters. Nothing you could really do to stop it, outside of completely removing trade so that there is only tiny profit from running bot farms.

They’re also banning bots and put the game right away on sale so they can buy a few more copy back for cheap…

They’re making lot of money from these bots so they don’t have any incentive to fix it.

With how quick the unorganized Dclone walk happened, it was from the bots. It wasn’t a community walk.


Yeah, it’s ridiculous. I’m really only playing non-ladder casually myself now, waiting for D3 season since it looks interesting as opposed to D2Rs current season. Last season it was about 3 or 4 days for the first Americas walk, this season, it seems like multiple already in the same time span. I think those super hardcore D2 fans will be the game’s ultimate downfall, really.

this lag is horrendous…put a stop to dupe-o-lag//possibly packets flooding

if packets flooding put buffers up like for WoW

Yeah it’s getting brutal again, now I’ll occassionally get dc’d and rolled back 5-10 mins.

can barely create a game now – 7 attempts and getting failed to connect with server

can confirm connecting to europe is way better

Dont you have a phone?

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What you have on your end at home (Broadband, Cat7, or even port channeled QSFP 100GB transceivers in the highest end Cisco/Arista switches) isn’t going to change one thing about your connection beyond your demarc or the point at which your connection hands off to the ISP.

The bottle neck is going to be your ISP and if they’re not having issues, it’s going to be some other carrier further down the circuit including Blizzard and their crappy internal network.

Your incredibly expensive and well maintained home network is still at the mercy of every single hop to your destination.

Isn’t it a pain when the Dupers get their first set of high runes and they feel they need to crash our games out to dupe up the stuff to sell. Man this is exactly the same as 20 years ago when ladder started you always had the ‘dupe lag’.

It hit this morning right as I finally got a drop I was looking for. Fortunately I didn’t lose it when I logged back in.