Last Epoch worthy?

Have bought this, played on and off, level 7, not too excited

I won’t beg for you, my dear.
These knees have bled, pulled out my hair.

My brother gifted it to me recently, been playing a few hours here and there…currently ssf level 80 sentinel. To me the game plays better than PoE which has always had a strange unsatisfactory feeling I feel that is attributed to poor rubberbanding but it isn’t a d2/d2r replacement still I think it is worth playing out.

There were lots of slow moments early/mid game, but once you start to flesh out a build, get an understanding of itemization/forging, play with some fun uniques, the game has its ok moments of fun. Plenty of annoying d3 and beyond stuff that would not fly in my imaginary d2r inspired game but overall better than PoE/Grim Dawn/TL, maybe on par with d3/d4 in some ways.

I think it’s really good. However, it’s awful if you aren’t into loot filters and don’t know what you’re looking for. You’ll want to refund it immediately. But I love it. Can’t wait to check out the first cycle.

why do some keep plugging this game? I though advertising other games on this forum was against the rules …

They are looking for something new to do with the hopes of a d2 successor while they hope Blizzard gets back in here and does some seasonal updates.

We need to stop plugging the wrong games in the wrong forums.

Shameless plugging needs to stop.

Technically you are right, but “I am not too excited about it” is not exactly “plugging” now, is it? And if the discussion should progress, which it has not, comparisons between games is not a bad idea.

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I’ve started playing it with a buddy. I don’t have much play time so I haven’t gotten very far (I think high 40s?) so I’m reserving judgement.

Overall the game play is fun, and some of the forging that you can do early game is cool, but I don’t have exposure to the end game crafting/forging yet. Some of what I’ve read suggests the RNG in end game itemization may be overly grindy/punishing for me, but we shall see. Itemization wise it seems decent so far but I haven’t been quite as excited/into it in terms of things like theory crafting, but I think part of that is just not knowing all the bases and unique items etc. as well as I do in D2, so hoping as I play and research it more that will come.

Some of the more modern QoL and stash space is a nice improvement on D2. I don’t have a great feel for balance yet, but seems potentially better in terms of caster vs. melee than D2 was left after 1.10, and the company seems committed to making additional balance and end game updates, which is nice.

I get that it can be tiresome if you just want to discuss D2 here, but comparisons to other similar games are natural, and this thread did seem to be more of a request for thoughts on the game. If OP knows they like D2, it’s reasonable to ask other players that like D2 if they like other similar games.

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