Larzuk put 3 sockets in a monarch!

How did this happen?? I thought all monarchs would get 4 sockets??!
I traded trang claw for a white monarch and then larzuked it. Where did this guy get the monarch from??

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It was a low quality Monarch that was “fixed” with the cube, which resets the item level to 1, which makes 3 sockets the maximum on a Monarch.

Mannnn thank you professor :slight_smile:
Is there a way to tell?? Does it have less max durability or something?

I’m not sure if there is a way to tell if the item was originally cracked/damaged and repaired using the cube recipe.

Another example of why it would be nice if Blizzard would show the ilvl on items.


not nessecarily a cubed crude item…

I don’t know if you guys realize it however all items that drop from stands be it weapon stands or armor stands have lowered ilvl for example monarchs found from mausoleum armor stands will alays give 3 sockets max, you’d need to drop the monarch from a mob not from armor stand…

yet undergeared folks tend to run past monsters in early lvl85 areas and just flip the stands… my advice if someone trades a monarch make sure he enabled terror zones in hell, as that’ll be the proof he actually reached the zones where one may get a 4xos monarch…

this is hilarious especially that blizz modified the data files so that enabling item level view is just a matter of setting “1” in a certain column for all items, and it’s visible… yet blizz still hesitates to enable it…


And this highlights the innadequacy of having to create more characters just to have more socket

Which could easily be solved by having a endgame pathway to having more of these sock quests without needing to create new char

Either way I finally got my monarch and I gave the guy 1 star on traderie. Onwards!!

That’s harsh
You didn’t know this was a possibility
The odds are that he didn’t either

It’s 1 level lower than the area level that the rack is in, nowhere near low enough to where a racked monarch would only get 3 sockets. Monarchs get 4 sockets at ilvl 41+ and are a qlvl 72 base, so any area that a monarch can be racked (area level must be 73 or higher) it will get 4 sockets from Larzuk and can roll 4 sockets in the cube.

Hell Mausoleum is alvl 85, well above the 73 needed. NM Mausoleum is 37 so can’t drop monarchs from its racks.

OP traded for a repaired low quality monarch and got 3 sockets since it’s ilvl 1. Such a shame Blizz never enabled ilvl display on Bnet, even with the new modding option they purposefully block that info from the client on Bnet so it can’t be used.

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He CERTAINLY knew. He had to use to recipe to make it AND he had 6 trades history on traderie AND he didn’t answer my messages asking for a rush to get another socket quest.

Small scam but my first scam of d2r. I’m more mad about a crappy trade I did now… skullders for mal…

Ditch runewords entirely and you’ll never have that issue again.


Glory to the true unique upgrade recipe!

The game has runewords…

I play the game as it is… I OWN….

Have you ever felt what it’s like… to own? You speak like a man that needs more OWNING in his life.

Sounds like you got owned by that guy on traderie.


I did. Gg.

I’m getting owned a bit right now too trying to sell tals armor… wtf is this economy…

there’s no way to tell. I guess to be safe, buy a low quality or superior monarch. They will get 4 sockets

there is no way in this game for a monarch to drop at an ilvl that would make it have max 3 sockets.