Ladder season 2 - What class you pick and why?


What class you pick and why?

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1 Class = 1 Build :smiley:

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sorc, teleport, aoe skills. no special gear needed for early.

First char is barbarian mainly for group, and future farming when i will get some better gear and also to quest bug bosses i will farm with sorc. Sorc is sevond immediately when barb finish hell so i can farm mephisto.

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Tele sorc for my team.

I’ll stick with my favorite class and build, the summoner necro, with maxed out amp and CE. Not the fastest, but can solo pretty much anything.


This is an edited version of my plan now that sunder charms are going to be a thing.

Roll a sorc

  1. Level using Nova
  2. Do normal countess until i get Tal Eth (for stealth)
  3. Buy a 20% FCR wand from ormus in act 3
  4. Keep in FCR rings i find (usually i can find 1 or 2 while leveling up)
  5. Get through normal as fast as possible
  6. Farm cows until a non socketed or a 4os crystal sword drops then use larzuk to socket it if needed
  7. Farm nightmare countess for Tal Thul Ort Amn (Spirit sword) and Ort Sol (Lore helm)
  8. Once i hit level 24, i respec into blizzard sorc
  9. Rush through nightmare as fast as possible
  10. Level to 40 on normal baal runs if i’m not 40 by the time i get to ancients.
  11. Rush through hell act 1 as fast as possible, skip every quest except andy to get to act 2
  12. Teleport to lost city and get the WP
  13. check to see if there are any nightmare baal runs going, if so i’ll join them until they disband or i hit level 60, if not continue to step 14.
  14. Spam hell ancient tunnels at level 42+ as a blizzard sorc i should be able to do well with it.
  15. Get a monarch and larzuk it if needed to get a spirit monarch.
  16. Keep spamming ancient tunnels until a i get some drops, keeping an eye out for a 3 os helm or a 4os chest to socket ptopazes into for cheap MF (making sure to keep at least 63% FCR which is usually easy with 2 spirits and a ring or 2)
  17. Spam ancient tunnels until level 80.
  18. Once i get some decent MF gear either through trading or farming on the sorc (around 300% mf usually with a swap like alibaba or even using 3os helm/4os armor with ptopazes in them) i start doing hell meph to get gear to start capping out my resistance
  19. Once i cap out resistance (usually with low to mid tier items like rockstopper) i finish up any important quests i skipped and finish hell, then start focusing on doing chaos runs to level up to around 85 (if i’m not already)
  20. Once i get to 85 and finish all quests, i respec the sorc to energy shield/nova
  21. Spam countess for keys/ist runes to trade for high runes
  22. Deck out the sorc with an infinity.
  23. Spam terror zones until level 99.
  24. Roll some other character for fun.

If i happen to find anything super early like an early tal piece/shako/perfect war trav/perfect chancies, i’ll trade it away instead of keeping it for a high rune. Early MF drops can often go for ridiculous prices in the first week of ladder, and it would be better to just trade it away for a high rune, then buy one later for a lower price once more of them are out there. Lower tier mf pieces like tarnhelm/alibaba/crappy war travs/crappy chance guards i’ll just keep for myself to boost my mf a bit.


Very informative, thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

Ill do my usual - make a Frenzy Thrower Bo Barb for the group I play with, and after we complete Hell make a Orb/Firewall Sorc to First Drop Meph and Baal. I run 2 copies so I Trav Pits with the Barb and then Meph, Baal with the sorc…

I play minion necro, because I dont see the point in making insanity any more insane.

i play a fball meteor frozen orb sorc, with a decent merc can clear all content in the game, no need for skipping.

farm to switch to lit.

but don’t know if i’ll even play season 2. sunder and TZ are two terrible changes i hope they revert. or at least change so it’s not as silly as it is.

a paladin and a sumn necro
walk everywhere and kill everything - no rush

Class: 1. Necromancer
Build: Poison Nova

Class: 2. Assassin
Build: Elemental

Class: 3. Sorc
Build: Frozen Orb

Nova Sorc first for currency, then budget Necro for safer/consistent Nilh key farm. Trade for a Naj staff and save up on plenty of LRs to restore charges cheaply.

Would go paladin for the latter, but CE so Nilh can’t CE is plenty efficient.

The other alternative is to get a Nature’s Peace, but it can be expensive early on in the season and a bit awkward to build around with mediocre gear.

Finally, make a smiter to solo Ubers, and trade torches to get currency for end-game gear.

Edit: Could just skip the Necro in favor of the Paladin, but I feel like Necro is so stupid cheap to build and only really needs a teleport (Naj’s) to control minion locations.

Edit 2: Can skip making Paladin and Necro if you trade 1:1 of either key for the final key, but I personally hate waiting around for good key trades and until people get their Paladins farmed, the final key is going to be more skewed in value.