Ladder lanuch in eu

it starts at 2am really?..

Yes, time zones work that way.


No timezones don’t work that way US launches work that way. Don’t even try to pretend 2 am launches is normal in Europe, nice try.

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It’s a global launch. And in US it’s going to be 5pm, but since we’re in a different time zone it’s going to be 2am here. So it’s a time zone thing. And no, there’s no good time for every region.


Good time for everyone on their own servers ? of course there is, they’re just lazy.

They can make sure all launches land during the day and not in the night when they’re sleeping, you’ve been living under a rock if you think that’s impossible.

It not, but that’s not point of the global launch honey. :blush: There are teams consisting of players around the globe, not to mention, if all servers launch after each other, the first will get floded, whit people who can’t wait, causeing isshues. Now we don’t want that, do we?

You are not on your own server. You are on a Global ladder.

I mean, they COULD go back to locked Regions, in which you get your wish, but that is not currently how it works.

If they do a global region (and they are), then they have to pick one launch time for the globe and that will be a bad time for someone.

Date Time
Pacific (LA) Thurs April 28th 5pm
Central (Chicago) Thurs April 28th 7pm
Eastern (NY) Thurs April 28th 8pm
CEST (Paris) Fri April 29th 2am
KST (Seoul) Fri April 29th 9am
Sidney Fri April 29th 10am
Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator

Wow I didn’t knew that.

So you suggest that it’s fair that a global ladder launch at 2am or later for some people so that others get a headstart since they can play in their primetime. Whoever came up with that idea don’t think very far ahead.

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Look honey, it’s not conviniet yes, but you manage your time, for stuff you want to have time for. I’m not working tomorrow for example, i’ll go to bed aerly get up at midnight and get ready for launch. The information is out, since two weeks. You could easily plan ahead.

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The globe is round. There is no other way to do a global ladder. If they released at 5pm EU it would be 2am some where else.

If you want to give feedback that the game become Region locked with Regional ladders so that they can tune the start time to those locked Regions, you can certainly do that.


Being a global ladder, it’s a synchronized world start time.

If something’s important, you make the time.

If the ladder is that important to you, you could temporarily adjust your schedule to play the ladder start, then slip back into your normal routine after a day or two. The only other option you have is to move somewhere on the planet where the ladder start time isn’t an inconvenience for you.

When a hotly anticipated release of a new console goes on sale, people will camp out for hours in the early AM in front of the store just to be able to get it when they open.

Whatever the start time is, someone on this Earth will be inconvenienced.

The very first ladder needs a full crew ready to act in case something goes wrong… Which is something that needs to happen during normal business hours.

Who knows? Maybe next ladder, things will be a lot smoother and they will skip ahead by 8 hours. Then the next, skip ahead another 8 hours, and keep doing so indefinitely just to keep things fair for everyone on the globe.

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EU definetly ended up with the short stick, but lets be real, aint that big of a deal.

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Better start running bots, if you care about the leaderboards anyway eh.

So shouldnt they rotate it for next ladder then ? İ.e eu gets to start prime time

İ am sure they are not going to do that

news flash kid; D2R has a shared database system. You cant have different regional starts.

This is how you can play on europe and NA with the same characters.

US forum. Who cares?

I don’t know if that is a solution they would consider or not. Part of this has to do with having the server techs around and awake.

Still though, they seem open to different times for the Global games. The Diablo Immortal Announcement on Monday was 4:30am Pacific, 7:30am Eastern, etc. So it was earlier in EU and maybe evening in Asia.

I’m glad there’s still people who think the world is round.


This does not look fair