Ladder is already conquered and over in under 24 hours. Just close it

Its called JSP i told everyone this would happen, there is no such thing as a “ladder race” because everyone can buy whatever the hell they want in the first day with million of FG they had since 2007

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This is what I dont get about the majority of d2 players - why feel the need to rush? Why feel the need to be on top of ladder? No one cares where you are in ladder except your own ego.

I know I’m the minority here - but I’m enjoying the ladder just to reset my own economy. I’m solo as well, and prefer it that way since even when I put “WALKING,” in title there’s always some tryhard that can’t read and has to rush and blast through everything.

Just enjoy the grind

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Good for them , i’m not out of act 1 yet HC :grinning:

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It’s losers like Lama with no life


What’s up with this “if I don’t like it, we should end it for everyone” type of mentality?

If the ladder has been conquered in 24 hours, then let it be. What’s it to you whether if lives on for a few more months or it ends today? How are most people supposed to find and make those ladder only runewords if they only get a day to play the ladder and then it just all shuts down and gets moved to NL?

I don’t really care. Enjoy crying about ladder I guess.

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I don’t really care about the ladder, i just enjoy a fresh start. i was just pointing out you’re trolling. Fact that you stated “I don’t really care” indicates you are. just no.

Yeah, who cares, right? Anyone who needs to put this much effort into a 20 year old ARPG in order to feel validated is not someone I even take seriously. I’m just here for the fresh starts and new metas.

Why would they get less xp? Monsters become more difficult to kill just like in practically any other ARPG. You get more xp for killing tougher monsters. I don’t know why you’d be trying to compete with full teams anyways. The beauty with Diablo is that you can choose to do the same thing or you can play solo at your own pace. It pretty much comes down to who has the most time to “no life” the ladder anyways.

“every one i disagree with is a troll” ok. making a snide remark at someone, for not realizing they are playing a multiplayer game and making silly claims, is not trolling.

There’s a monumental difference between level 92 and level 99, nub.


no botting problem btw :rofl:

:llama: is a good speed runner, but thats it as you can perfectly see in his stream where hes the Asmongold of Diablo begging for everything and I bet at least 95% of those “gifters” have pindle :robot: s running on the side. Unless Blizz, Microsoft, Ubisoft, Epic games or whoever is in charge of the company next week/month/year, does something big, EVERY LADDER WILL LOOK AS PATHETIC AS THIS ONE.

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Shocking that an online game rewards groups of players playing together online. Go figure :rofl: :man_facepalming:

Actually it’s just starting. It was expected the professional gamers would be grinding hard and get to 95 in the first 2 days. Even after someone hits 99 that doesn’t mean the ladder season is over as that isn’t the point of a new ladder season. It’s be enjoyed for many months for whatever your play level is to enjoy a fresh start on new characters.

It’s a game have fun! If you plan on comparing yourself to the 1% that play this game because it’s their job you will only be disappointed and miss the entire point of playing. Which is to have fun!!!

He begs for subs more than anything else, every time i go on his stream, he is just in a group sitting back begging for handouts and free prime subscriptions.

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YEP literally doing nothing I’d like to see him in a SSF ladder (IF it gets added to d2) or the PoE one where you can’t get streamer privilege handouts by botting d2jsp (an other sites) scum.

an 8 player game that rewards team play… UNFAIR!

youre a sad little one arent ya?

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Have you tried playing D3?

God what a bunch of sooks.

Go play a single player game if it bothers you this much.

Even under microsoft now, still fail.