Ladder is already conquered and over in under 24 hours. Just close it

You have teams out there that are already level 91 and ladder started not even 24 hours ago. Yet if you try to solo on ladder you’re left with a slog of a game. Why do you reward so much exp to group players when technically they should be getting 1/8 of the xp per kill a solo player does. This is not some mythic+ dungeon stuff. There is no challenge compared to what a solo player has to go through. Group play is an absolute snore fest run-through. Go ahead and close ladder it’s already over.

This hatred towards solo players is absolutely sickening to me. And sorry, you’re not “GOOD” at the game because you run with other people. I’m sure most of you can’t even solo hell alone.


Yeah I wish I hadn’t looked at the ladder last night before I quit playing for the night lol. I have two characters in their 40s playing solo and everyone is already 90+.



you honestly just sound mad that you don’t have friends to play with. also what is this imagined “hatred” for solo players and lashing out saying people cant solo hell? I’ve solo’d hell plenty of times. I don’t understand why so many of you are shocked over this. It’s just for funsies bro. you dont have to act like this is a serious issue just because other people take the game a little more serious then you do. I guess just keep pretending you’re elite and coming up with excuses why you aren’t #1 on the ladder or whatever.


Groups should level slower than solo players. That’s my point.

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Why should they get 1/8 the experience? The monsters are scaling up with the player count. You just seem mad that the multiplayer game doesn’t discourage people from playing multiplayer. Next, go complain that hitting a ball against a wall by yourself should be at least as fun as tennis.

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Because it’s as challenging as kicking pre-school children. I have zero respect for group players in this game. It doesn’t even make sense lore wise to the chosen hero. Not a group of people. They can all die in a fire honestly.


You want to remove one of the very few social aspects of the game?


guy with 6 accounts all similar names is in the top ladder spots in first 24 hours. Life is good.

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Shocking that in a multiplayer online completion, grouping is more rewarding then soloing. Never the less, there should be a seperate solo Ladder board, for those. who will go for it and compete alone.


Honestly did you folks really go into this not knowing the deck is completely and utterly stacked against you as solo? Yah no, you did, and now you vent… you will get no sympathy here. You knew. Do I wish a ladder exited for single player solo HC self found? Hell yah! As do most I suspect.


They don’t care at all. This is essentially the same thing as ‘mark up sales’ at stores. Hype it up, 6 out of 10 people don’t know any better any buy it, the other 4 don’t matter since they are casting a very wide net.

Just look at the Diablo twitter. While the servers are a mess and the worst ladder of any game I’ve ever played in my entire life just released in 2022, they are doing Xbox giveaways. Why? Because they have our money already, they don’t need anything else. New children will become new adults, and those adults and children will buy Diablo 4 no matter what.

Why do you think they are focusing so hard on the ART and SOUND effects of Diablo 4? So they can create a dopamine connection when you see the previews for it, you buy it, the gameplay and balance is terrible (because all staff are too old to be real gamers anymore), and they profit.

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You do know you exist in a capitalist society? Kinda the point no?

“You honestly just sound mad” that statement to start off a comment is trollish already. stop trolling. Go turd a little pootin.

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Player x command among other changes are very much needed if they are serious about making Ladder more fair.

I (and many others) knew this will happen. Blame purist-brains.

Hardcore is already dead by the way with more than 95% of the games in private.


mate what did you expect? lol. the game has been like this for 20 years. you thought you actually had a chance in the “race” against guys that have 50k hours in the game who are part of clans or guilds etc on discords with each other? or the bots? you thought you could compete without grinding non stop baal runs for 24 hours straight at a time?


No worries all bots trying to sell items for real cash. Never had a chance unless you set up your own bot .

Say what want about Diablo 3, but I think their ladder is ok when it comes to sorting players. They split up those that run solo, 2, 3 or 4 players. They all fall in their respective “bracket”.

That way the fastest solo player is actually at the top of the solo board, while the groupies can have their top of the ladder fight for groupies.

I’m a solo player myself too. Not because I can’t find people to play with, but because I actually want the loot and it’s impossible for me to compete to grab loot with my slow connection.

Kind of wish they put in the ability to increase player count to maximum 3 so that solo players can at least find some better loot and xp in online games. I mean it’s bad enough that you get insane xp and loot when in P8 games, but then players in those groups even get their followers/fans etc to go into games and drop them GG items they need to make their grind to 99 smoother.


Player 8 command is a step in the right direction, among other changes.

youre all playing cookie cutter EASY EXPANSION PACK

come to classic pre lod and never look back, the battle is still on.

highest level = 87.


Where it’s even more dead than Hardcore and does not have Shared Stash? I used to be a Classic player but nah.

Not until they add Shared Stash and Player x command. Then I will return to Hardcore Classic.