Ladder exclusives are toxic

The vast majority of players rejoiced when ladder-only items and runes were removed on release. When blizzard created new ladder only rune words, even with the promise of their coming off ladder later, they did nothing but fracture the community and create more ill-will between players.

Let’s be clear. A ladder player is fundamentally different from non-ladder and single player. Favoring them sends a message of either neglect or disdain for a majority of players who actively play differently.

It’s toxic.


How about 2.4 runewords? Those are available in SP.

nah, making ladder only runewords available to everyone was a big mistake. i only play ladder and i would like to have more people to play ladder. with the added rifts (tz) we are going away from d2 and more to d3. people who want all these changes should just buy d3.

also op, tz for ladder is not only toxic, but also homophobic, racist and white. you forgot to add these things

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Excluding my anni collector, I only play non-ladder. I just trade for ladder only items near the end and wait the duration to get them to non-ladder.

I’ve played like this for decades. The only thing that got me to start ladder only chars is the relatively recent change in how clone spawns, and mules for traded ladder items.

You’re not getting people to play ladder if they don’t want to, and very little other then a ladder only Uber event will change that.

Lmao no, because wast majority actualy play ladder. Minority is playing nonladder. It was always like this.


He’s referring to the 1.10 ladder only items that were given to non-ladder and single player upon release of the game.

Again, wast majority of players is playing ladder. Yes people rejoiced when they give us ladder stuff when game was released. Because it was basicly season just without ladder. First nonladder season started when ladder started . When game was released all players were together, thats why majority rejoiced, because majority were ladder players :slight_smile:

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It wasn’t though, it was specifically described as a non-ladder, and character creation was only non-ladder. Just because there wasn’t yet a ladder doesn’t make non-ladder a de-facto ladder.

If they had intended to keep those 1.10 runewords ladder only, they would not have allowed for their creation in single player, or non-ladder and simply waited for ladder to start.

No one would have liked that.

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They had to give us ladder stuff obviously because there was no ladder for months.
People liking to have ladder stuff when there was only one game mode cannot be compared to current situation as nowyou have two game modes.

Blizzard always wanted people to play online ladder, thats why it had special rewards. People were modding offline for years to have ladder runewords so it would not make sense to not give them to offline. Some players simply cant play online because of good connection. So they cant log in to ladder so it was logical choice.

But nonladder situation is different. Ladder is there as challenge, with harder monsters and part of reward for playing it is ladder stuff. Non ladder players will get it when season ends.

This is the biggest reason people play new ladders. It’s not to make a plague, or make a mist.

It’s to start fresh, completely untwinked, and have the challenge of building something from the ground up. I can respect that.

Though, I don’t like playing like that, nor do I have the time to play like that anymore. Between work and kids, my time is limited and I would rather spend it on playing different polished characters, then the same small handful of builds to get the most returns on investment.

Game mechanics that change the very way people play shouldn’t be limited to a certain group.


It should always be limited to those who is dedicated into the gameplay. They sacrifice other things to play ladder, while you sacrifice ladder to your family. Its a matter of choice. You can’t get reward without putting effert into something, but I guess people has been growing up in the “participation trophy” era for too long and feel that they are entitled to everything even when they don’t put effort into something


Do you hear me complaining about ladder only runewords? I couldn’t care less. Like I said previously, I’ll trade for those near the end of a ladder and use them then. This newest batch, the cube recipes, and any future runewords can permanently stay ladder only for all I care.

Core game mechanics are a different beast. This isn’t your boomer parents demanding you get a participation trophy argument.

Core gameplay also hasnt change tho. So your arguement is still not valid lmao

How has it not?

Are people still doing the old roadmap to 99 on PTR?

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First of all, TZ is oprional. You can turn it off if you don’t want to. Second of all, all terror zone offer is some extra way to reach lv99, it isnt here to replace baal run. Third of all, when it comes to “core” play, we are here to kill mobs to gain exp and lvl while mfing, unless terror zone give you some way to gain exp outside of killing mobs, core gameplay hasnt change.

Its simply same as how ppl used to do cowlevel in 1.09 and dwitch to baal run in 1.10. And now with 2.5 we get a few extra zones to farm on top of baal run if we choose to opt in.

Nothing has changed at all.

You do hear yourself, right?

Was cow creation ever ladder only? Was Gubers ever ladder only?

Just because you can choose to opt in doesn’t mean it isn’t changing the gameplay of the game. If you think it won’t though, put your money where your mouth is and play the entire next ladder season without one instance of a terror zone.

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There are just 500k characters on ladder. We know this from data mining.

Over 5 million copies of D2R were sold.

Ladder players are actually a TINY minority.

This is so hilarious statement that i had to laugh.

First, what data mining? You have access to blizzard servers?

Even if, 500.000 characters is how many accounts?

You do realize that many nonladder players play it exclusively just for pvp right? They dont play nl, they play only pvp there.

Ok 5 milion copies sold, so what lmao? How many is not playing anymore? How many is playing offline? You dont know so how can you even think that more people is on nonladder. Reality will smack you in face, go check how many game is on ladder and how many on nonladder when ladder season starts. Or week after. You will clearly see where is majority.

Did you copy paste this in the diablo 3 forum as well? they have seasons there too

The vast majority of those people also stated that they now don’t have a reason to play ladder.

Nope they gave a new incentive to play ladder for those that need more than a leaderboard and restart. Cry posts like yours create ill-will between players.

Ok let’s be clear. Ladder keeps the game fresh and people returning. Without ladder, a lot more people would have quit and never returned. Adding rewards to ladder isn’t neglecting the other modes, it’s giving a bonus to the main mode.

No, you are toxic and you feel entitled.

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