Seriously. I concur with this sentiment…
Servers were just overloaded…
Imagine if you will, one door for every person. Thats a tight bottleneck, not everyone can just squeeze in at once.
Seriously. I concur with this sentiment…
Servers were just overloaded…
Imagine if you will, one door for every person. Thats a tight bottleneck, not everyone can just squeeze in at once.
I see your such a highly talented person that has intimate knowledge of netcode and servers. They should hire you right away!
Both scenarios impact the customer the same. The entire purpose of supporting a service is for the end user, regardless of where the support actually comes from.
If this multi billion dollar corporation doesn’t possess the talent to resolve their own issues then you are right, they need to focus all of their efforts into hiring competent engineers.
Do like being blamed for Blizzards mess ups? Because that’s what they’re doing on that post, blaming you and me and everyone else for what Blizzard screwed up. I hope that you think their as sincere as blaming you and me for this, than you think they are at fixing the game. It was fixing the game that caused all of this. They literally are stating that most of this is due to “modern player behavior” that existed in the same way as it did in 2001. Glad you enjoy being blamed for this, because I sure as hell don’t. The blame goes as far as tech support telling people for weeks on end it was their computer and GPU’s, when all of a sudden a patch showed it wasn’t all these computer and GPU’s that were the issue, but server side.
They didn’t do anything productive that improved the situation at all, why are u guys simping and praising them? LOL
Because valid praise is still deserved by the team for a game that still plays.
Battlenet may suck… but the game plays just fine.
This post is 15 days old. Do you still feel the same 15 days with no upAn issue occurred while communicating with game server
it’s been 15 day since this post started, 5 days since my last comment. My opinion has not changed at all. I still think Blizzard messed up, I still think they blamed a large portion of the player for issues that had nothing to with them or their hardware. I still think Blizzard should give a public apology, not just “here’s what we found and this is what we’re doing” comment.
Now I will say Blizzard has done some work to address some things. But the servers and game itself still has a ton of work left that should have been addressed well before launch. I’m talking about everyone little “add this” or “add that” kind of stuff, I’m talking about the bugs that existed in classic D2 that carried over, I’m talking about server issues. All of this should have well addressed by Blizzard and parent company well before launch, since these issues existed since at least 2002 in classic D2.
I work in IT. In a very large high demand and rapidly changing environment and I would have been fired for a performance or rollout like this. I love it when people make excuses for a severe lack of planing and foresight.
If you work in IT then you also know there are usually several teams working on projects and not all of them failed at what they do just because some idiot somewhere forgot to plug in a switch or route something correctly.
Would you fire the entire staff because of that?
Yesterday when they did emergency maintenance and booted everyone off, forum posters reported their position in queue between 300-500 (mostly high 300s).
That’s a pretty good indication of how many actual people were on since the data sample was a freshly filled queue from zero.
If leadership want you to release 20 year old code that wasn’t designed for high load then you release it that way or get fired. This doesn’t have anything to do with technical skills. It’s business. Time is one of the most valuable resources and it’s often traded for quality - the ratio depends on the sector. The games industry is different from other sectors.
Nope, Just the leadership that was responsible for the oversight of the project.
You know… the ones responsible for failing to design an application / environment with no ability to expand to meet demand. Something every project manager / scum master would bring up in the 100’s of planning and design meetings.
Yes… I work in IT.
And that I agree with. But how does someone posting a congratulations to an entire team for their effort on a project somehow equate to there shouldn’t be any because leadership made a bad decision?
Is this somehow equivalent to shaming a team because the coach threw a game?