Key bindings wont save

Every one of my characters has reset and now wont save any changes.
I have read about 7 different forums and non of the suggestions have worked.
Restarting the PC or D2 has no affect
Plz Plz help I’m an old guy and depend so much on my gaming


I just read a post that says C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo II Resurrected my character files were being created and the settings.json file was being modified
I haven’t gone into it yet but will do more research
Even after reset the same issue is happening


the servers are screwed up right now. happens a lot with Blizzard patch releases.

my keybinds are stuck with skills on 1-8 and pots on qwer keys. F1 switches to classic view.

Ok guess have to wait for the reset

yeah I’m having the same problem, its really screwed up for now, are they releasing 2.4 patch today?

While I’m still experiencing binding resets after the roll back maintenance, I learned you can go to the gamplay tab in options and select “custom” as your default binding. That way it will always revert to your last saved customized keybindings.

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While true, this applies to an overall custom keybind set, and used to ‘pull’ your saved keybinds for new characters.

However, I believe what is happening is when you try to apply a keybind to 1 character and exit the game completely, when reloading, it reverts. Tried it for multiple characters and single ones many times. Same issue each time. Before this maintenance I was able to have a specific custom key set for character #1 hdin and character #2 sorc , etc… This simply isn’t happening and would be a bug. I hope a blue observes this.


Same issue.

This is why I DON’T want any patches from modern Blizz. Just leave the game alone lol. They haven’t gotten anything right in a decade now. This is what happens when you hire based on an equality quota instead of ability. Their employees are more concerned about what their next hair color is going to be, or where their are stickling their next piecing than they are doing their job.

Probably works great when all they have to do is design a new dress to slap in a loot box once every 3 months, not so good when you are having to work with net code almost as old as they are with an actual time table for completion.

People keep asking for changes, but they never stop to ask “do we want this team making changes?” D2R is only as good as it is because they outsourced it. Trust me, you don’t want Blizz doing anything in house these days.

I’m having the same problem. I don’t understand why keybinds are not saved on the client side.

Every time I log out my keybinds are reset. Was this patch even tested? KEYBINDS…


I have this issue and have to reset bindings each time I play. Also my chars are in creation order rather than last used order now.

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I’m seeing this too ever since they did the last round of maintenance on the servers. It was working fine for me before this. Now every time I exit the game and start it again my skill bindings just reset to 1 through 8 and all my custom settings are lost. Definitely incredibly annoying and needs to be fixed.

I refuse to even play D2R until this bug gets fixed. I’m not spending the first 5 minutes of every game resetting my key bindings.

Thankfully there are plenty of other great games to play!

oh man I think I find a way to make it work.

  1. choose custom for default key binding in the game play tab.
  2. in controls tab DELETE custom first.
    then set your custom key bindings.
    save custom

it works after even quit and restart the game.


Ok didn’t work for me
Pity Blizzard aren’t interested in their non pay for play gamers
The blue’s probably take a look after 50 bug posts lol
Great news thanks blizzard you fixed the issue =)

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Also having this issue. Won’t save my key binds for my controller.

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Yes same thing its very annoying. Not going to keep resetting so guess i wont play till its fixed.

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Still having the same issue over here as well, any word about it?

that seems to “bandate” the issue, I mean unless you have different keybinds for different characters that is…

Having this problem now too. Glad they didn’t fix it after all this time. Good ole Blizzard.

Also having this issue but on Nintendo switch.

On the Nintendo Switch console, when I go from docked with an external controller to using the handheld with snap on controllers I constantly lose all of my skill hot keys. I have to remind every single time I join a game!

It isn’t just the first time I change the controls. It happens continually and then eventually just works. Sometimes I can get it to work properly by going into options and toggling the change hotkeys on a weapon swap boolean but it only works about 60% of the time. It is very frustrating.

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Bought the game a couple days ago on sale, been playing offline. Save a custom key config I made from the options menu, then changed it to use custom in gameplay settings.

played fine. saved and quit out of game after a couple hours playing. Logged back in next day keys were reset. Figured it was because I saved the key bindings before I changed it to custom, so this time I changed it to custom and then edited the key bindings. Played a couple hours, saved and quit to go make dinner.

Logged back in that night couple hours later and keys were reset. Figured I clicked apply only and not “save custom” so repeated again, made sure settings were on custom first, mapped the keys I wanted the way I wanted, clicked “Save Custom” then Apply, played for a couple more hours and quit out for the night.

logged back in today, all key bindings reset. Checked the Documents\Diablo 2\Settings folder, no files there. Not sure what else to do but it is becoming increasing apparent the issue is not related to anything I am doing. Please fix this. Ty.