Keep D2 Exactly as is... Except for my thing!

I truly hope that Bliz ignores all the “just make this one change” threads and keeps the game as is. The whole point of resurrected is to keep the magic that was D2. Trying to tweak it is what ruined D3. Please don’t make the same mistake.

or how about we not have everything stale and same for eternity? Changes (like runeword implementation, Ubers) made D2 what it is today. Blizzard could use some inspiration from the modding community to implement to improve the game.

People who want changes are not here posting 24/7 and advocating new ideas because we want to sabotage the game. We want to see it grow and improve.

If you just do QoL and graphic changes, the new people / old timers who come back will not last 90 days. They will probably quit very soon. Me and a couple of old timers who I talk to in my work have agreed that we would most likely not play if they didn’t make any game play or balance changes.

dont think they changed much with their previous remaster so expect the same with d2r.

I mostly agree with you. But it needs to start where D2 left off. I’ve seen so many posts regarding ways to “improve” what D2 was, that It seems appropriate to say “Woah! Slow down there little buckaroo” I’m not suggesting they never update and improve D2R. I’m suggesting, we start with where we were.

Wouldn’t a better solution be have a strict remaster realm and a modern realm?

For those, who want no changes/limited changes, they select the “strict remaster” realm. For those who are more open-minded about changes, there would be a separate improved modern realm.

It is a win-win for both purists and progressives.

Blizzard didn’t try to make D3 as a tweaked version of D2 it was a complete overhaul of both the philosophy and core gameplay.

Making small balance and item tweaks isn’t going to suddenly create D3 as some of the horrible core design decision of D3 cannot come into D2.

On more the point… D2R will launch very close to D2 1.13 but I do think we’ll some balance and item updates a couple of seasons in.

see the problem here is, this isn’t the same blizzard we had when they game was made, i’m SCARED for what changes they might think are good for the game at this point, just like… leave it be !

they’ve proven time and time again recently, that they have absolutely no clue what they are doing… so maybe they shouldn’t start changing one of the best games ever made… please?

Do you know when the original D2/D2:Lod lead designers left Blizzard North? Hint 2003

The version that D2R is based on is patch 1.14 that was well after that.

Everything after patch 1.11 (and maybe even patch 1.10 that was October 2003) was not the original design team.

Community feedback exists for a reason. And they’ve already said that they will take commmunity input into account for any changes. If changes are bad, they can revert it.

“one of the best games ever made” could always use improvements - that is true for any game.

i never said that it couldn’t… i’m just scared for what they might do to it. and i think that’s a reasonable stance here…

The game is not going to be as it was.
There’s shared stash.
The way the World Event works will be changed, as it cannot possibly work the way it used to on the new battle net.

D2 could use some other changes… at the top of my head, better interface, as the 2 skill slots and having to swap constantly with the keys is so dated, it’s not even funny.