There is a new scam people are doing by creating fake trade games to artificially increase value for things. THIS IS A 2 PART PHASE. If you have to ask where is the scam then you will be ignored because you don’t know what Scam is…there are several definitions of scam and scam doesn’t have a real time limit…Trying to cherry pick the definition you want to use to argue against this is you being a troll and I’ll just place you on ignore.
This whole situation is ripping people off with fraud which is exactly what a scam is…
The overall reason for this is to get as much forum currency as people can so when ladder comes around, they can buy their way to the top…
This requires:
1 person to have multiple accounts, or a few friends, or both.
PHASE ONE has 2 sections
The absurd trades game names are set up which then people make the same games to test out if ti’s actually doable
PHASE 2: Anyone questioning PHASE ONE or saying it won’t happen have a bunch of people all in on phase one posting fake situations claiming people would do that or did do it and provide some made up details which they then end the post or reply or statement with a deflection comment to take the focus off the trade simply isn’t something anyone would do to discredit the person calling them out.
PHASE ONE In effect:
Throughout the week trade games are created by the people in on it that have a slightly absurd trade, but not so far off base it might just be possible. (The reality is, no one will ever do the trades they post).
These games are usually named things such as IST + GUL 4 VEX. or 30 RAL 4 ist
Since legitimate players will now set up the exact same game names to see if someone will actually do that type of trade, it increases the number of games in the lobby with that type of absurd trade so the people in phase one are getting other people to unknowingly help them. Of course the legitimate people never get any results so they know no one would do that trade…But remember it’s not about getting the trade…it’s about setting up a situation so they can use the outcome later on…
Here is how it works
Throughout the week the games will be posted and never have anyone in them until you try to go in, shortly after you go in, someone mysteriously shows up…you can literally keep an eye on the game for an hour in the lobby and never see anyone go in, but the instant you go in, within minutes of you going in, all of a sudden 2-5 people show up…It’s only empty until you go in…(RIGHT).
What happens next is the people who come in go up to the person wait a few seconds then say THANKS and then all people leave the game at once.
The fact is the trade was never made, no one did anything, this was either the same person using multiple accounts, or friends of theirs…It was a dog and pony show set up to get an outsider to witness something that never happened. This happens day after day with every game.
So why would anyone do that…simple to artificially increase value out of fabricated trade situations that never actually happened…
The above situations leads these clown to use the situation they set up as ammunition to try to denounce anyone that calls them out
Does the phrase “People have been doing that trade all week” look familiar? So they continue saying things like “just look at the lobby” “if people weren’t doing that trade then why are there so many games people are doing it in.”
Except the problem is game names mean nothing the trades themselves were never actually taking place…so this is where PHASE 2 comes into play.