Just a heads be weary about people artifially increasing trade value

There is a new scam people are doing by creating fake trade games to artificially increase value for things. THIS IS A 2 PART PHASE. If you have to ask where is the scam then you will be ignored because you don’t know what Scam is…there are several definitions of scam and scam doesn’t have a real time limit…Trying to cherry pick the definition you want to use to argue against this is you being a troll and I’ll just place you on ignore.

This whole situation is ripping people off with fraud which is exactly what a scam is…

The overall reason for this is to get as much forum currency as people can so when ladder comes around, they can buy their way to the top…

This requires:
1 person to have multiple accounts, or a few friends, or both.

PHASE ONE has 2 sections
The absurd trades game names are set up which then people make the same games to test out if ti’s actually doable
PHASE 2: Anyone questioning PHASE ONE or saying it won’t happen have a bunch of people all in on phase one posting fake situations claiming people would do that or did do it and provide some made up details which they then end the post or reply or statement with a deflection comment to take the focus off the trade simply isn’t something anyone would do to discredit the person calling them out.

PHASE ONE In effect:
Throughout the week trade games are created by the people in on it that have a slightly absurd trade, but not so far off base it might just be possible. (The reality is, no one will ever do the trades they post).
These games are usually named things such as IST + GUL 4 VEX. or 30 RAL 4 ist
Since legitimate players will now set up the exact same game names to see if someone will actually do that type of trade, it increases the number of games in the lobby with that type of absurd trade so the people in phase one are getting other people to unknowingly help them. Of course the legitimate people never get any results so they know no one would do that trade…But remember it’s not about getting the trade…it’s about setting up a situation so they can use the outcome later on…

Here is how it works
Throughout the week the games will be posted and never have anyone in them until you try to go in, shortly after you go in, someone mysteriously shows up…you can literally keep an eye on the game for an hour in the lobby and never see anyone go in, but the instant you go in, within minutes of you going in, all of a sudden 2-5 people show up…It’s only empty until you go in…(RIGHT).

What happens next is the people who come in go up to the person wait a few seconds then say THANKS and then all people leave the game at once.

The fact is the trade was never made, no one did anything, this was either the same person using multiple accounts, or friends of theirs…It was a dog and pony show set up to get an outsider to witness something that never happened. This happens day after day with every game.

So why would anyone do that…simple to artificially increase value out of fabricated trade situations that never actually happened…

The above situations leads these clown to use the situation they set up as ammunition to try to denounce anyone that calls them out

Does the phrase “People have been doing that trade all week” look familiar? So they continue saying things like “just look at the lobby” “if people weren’t doing that trade then why are there so many games people are doing it in.”

Except the problem is game names mean nothing the trades themselves were never actually taking place…so this is where PHASE 2 comes into play.

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Never change, Randy. God loves you.


Yo I’m about to test this

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This is not new and you are not some sleuth.

Ever seen anything actually priced at MSRP?

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I mean price manipulation is as old as time especially in auction settings

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Reading Randy’s posts is always a mystery to what prompted the post and why the post exists in the first place.

His post about only two reasons to like classic seemed to be an argument he had somewhere, but Shirley there are more than two possible reasons.

I dunno man, you buy and sell at whatever price you want, judging and manipulating the entire D2 economy with one trade game somehow setting values is well… nonsense.

If anything values are set by bigger markets like d2jsp…

Why randy why.


Because Stanner/Randy likes to pretend that he’s smarter than everyone else.
Textbook Dunning-Kruger.


Lmao welcome to a truely free market…you must hate capitalism too right?

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Pro tip: If you don’t feel an item is worth what you are being asked to trade for it, don’t do the trade. Only YOU can prevent forest fires!


Agreed but that doesn’t stop the problem of people rigging the games so you cannot ever trade.

This is why scamming needs to go.

What needs to happen is any troll making games like that need to be forced to give the items up If they do not honor the trade, then the items need to automatically be removed and given to the person they refused to do the trade with.

I bet people replying in this thread will have a problem with a system put in place to stop them, but have no problems scamming people themselves and trying to call it capitalism.

Funny how they cannot accept the reverse of what they do.

Yeah that’s just not going to happen. This is not an MMO where you can call a GM. Outside of ToS violations, it has been and always will be on the players to deal with this. There really is no automated system that could be put in place to stop this, and Bliz certainly will not pony up live people to monitor these trade games.

If there is something of value there will ALWAYS be people who figure out ways to scam. Players need to be aware of obvious scams and avoid them. Short of that, it’s a hard lesson learned to be sure.

No one uses trading games and it’s assumed anyone that does is in there to scam. That is why we use trading sites so we get fair trading and avoid scams.


Except trading sites are against the TOS you all clicked I agree not to use when you installed the game.

So everyone saying they are using sites is openly saying they’re violating the tos and should be suspended for doing so.

That is simply untrue. There are plenty of trade games that are straight up and trading things at current market value. No matter what you use, you’re still at risk of some type of scam. The solution is not to scream about trading sites but know the value of what you’re trading and make sure you’re getting what you pay for.

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Except that isn’t how it works, all you’ve done is used your reply to promote and push websites.

Except they aren’t and it’s been confirmed that they aren’t. Sites like D2jsp aren’t against the ToS. If you don’t like them, that is fine. However to spout nonsense because you don’t like them is childish. Blizzard tried to buy D2jsp for a reason, they do a great job. Better than Blizzard.

Your hatred betrays you.

Here’s the deal, the safest way to trade is using a trading site since they protect your trades and fight against scamming (which Blizzard doesn’t do). Which means scammers have to using trading games because they aren’t going anywhere. So most of us assume a trading game is a scam since it’s the easiest place to scam. That’s all.

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Confirmed by whom exactly? Everyone always say that exact thing, but anyone who says that has never shown that to be a factual claim. The only people who claim blizzard has confirmed that are the people on D2jsp.

Show where Blizzard says they confirmed this from an actual Blizzard developer or someone who matters. Linking some 3rd party site or article where someone has CLAIM to have talked to Blizzard means nothing. You said it, so provide actual proof…

They actually are and it literally says so right in the TOS you clicked I AGREE NOT TO when you installed the game.,

YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE ANYWAY TO TRADE, gift, buy, or otherwise obtain Blizzards IP from any unauthorized channels, places .etc. That is in BLIZZARDS TOS itself.

Blizzard has not ever authorized any 3rd party websites like d2jsp.

This is why WoW accounts sold on EBAY get banned.

The point of my post is that creating trade games is fine. The user should be aware of the scams that are out there, and if not, if the trade smells fishy, don’t do it. You can’t put all the responsibility on Blizzard here. Never in my post did I promote any trading website. I don’t care if you use them or not (they are against the ToS so that’s on you). I have done plenty of trades in trade games simply created using the in-game tools and traded for items needed properly.

If you the user know what scams are out there and generally understand the value of an item, you are less likely to fall prey to any scam. Knowledge here is the real solution. Teach a man to fish and he eats for life ya know?

You should quote the tos as your proof. Find the paragraph and copy/paste it here, we will wait.

The burden of proof is on you. You made the claim that it’s bannable. Prove it.

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Can I ask you the same question? Who confirmed that trading sites or D2jsp it against the ToS? NO ONE! Which is hilarious. You ask for facts to prove my points when your biased opinions have no factual grounds to stand on.

Now as for confirmation I will get to that since I do use facts even though you don’t.

Here is the video to give you some “Factual” information about D2jsp and it’s history. In this video it was confirmed by Cooley with a Blizzard employee that D2jsp doesn’t break any ToS. He then even went further to hire a layer to go over the ToS and explain it. It’s best to be safe and make sure you aren’t breaking the ToS which D2jsp doesn’t. Thanks to Cooley and his research and response from Blizzard.

Except it doesn’t. You are making stuff up :man_facepalming: :rofl:

Seriously don’t you change, we enjoy the laughs. No one takes you seriously because you spout irrelevant nonsense without any facts to back them up. We get it, you don’t like trading sites. However until Blizzard steps up and makes a trading site, which is why they tried to buy D2jsp. Then the best place to trade is on D2jsp. It’s basically an official site at this point. D2 and D2jsp are different sides of the same coin.