Your problem is always the same problem in most of your posts. You fail to understand that some things are not opinions but rather they are facts, and the more facts people lay before you, like actual math, you begin to argue even more and tend to resort to insulting people rather than acknowledge that 2+2=4.
I’ll explain to you one more time and then I"m done this.
You can enjoy or max out Impale Zon or w/e it is you’re planning to do.
First you need to be aware of this useful tool: Diablo 2 Attack Speed Calculator | ias calc (
- lv 20 Impale is a 775%ed bonus. The speed of Impale is incredibly slow. Even with an Eth Upgraded Titan’s Mat Jav, which will be the fastest possible Impale speed, it is only realistic to get the breakpoint that occurs at 92%ias which is 1.56 attacks per second. The 1.56 is the time it takes to begin Impale animation and for it to end. At 92%ias with the same Titan’s, a lv 20 Jab at 45%ed bonus will also have 1.56 attacks per second, but what it doesn’t mention is that 1.56 is the entire animation of Jab from beginning to end, which is 3x actual strikes. So what this means is that in about 1 second the Jab will 5x strikes, whereas the Impale in 1 second will land 1x strike and be half way to completing landing a second strike. Going beyond the 95%ias breakpoint would require 125%ias which is hitting point of being unrealistic without losing other important mods that you want to keep that ultimately would yield greater damage. If you are wanting to aim at less than 95%ias for Impale, your attack speed is going to become abysmal. If you were wanting to use something like EBOTD Warpike/Matspear or a Steel Pillar, you’ll be looking at 1.04 attack per second at 86%ias.
- Now also consider the ed% modifiers that are working on the Amazon and how ed% actually works and adds up. Let’s take an Amazon as an example that is tweaked for ed%. 45/120, Fortitude, 300 Strength, a2 Might Merc with Pride for a total of 545%ed between both auras. This is a total of 1165%ed globally to your weapon damage and charm inventory. Now listen to this carefully → Let’s say you’re using Eth Up’d Titan’s which is a damage of 160-293 in melee, which is an average of 226. That average damage multiplied by the global damage will be what your standard attack damage is. That damage will be 2632 average damage on a standard attack.
- Now if you apply a lv 20 Impale to that standard attack, it DOES NOT amplify the entire 2632 by 775%. What it does is it takes the base weapon damage of 160-293 “226 average” and applies that by 775% for another 1751. This damage is added into your total damage, making it 2632 + 1751 = 4609 Impale at 1.56 attacks per second that is a single strike.
- Now if we look at lv 20 Jab at 45%ed, using the same gear & stats, each Jab strike will hit for 2959 damage and there are 3x strikes per each use of Jab. Each jab animation will also complete in 1.56 seconds but 3x strikes occur in that time. The thing is, is that since Jab is so fast, that 1.56 seconds means that in one actual second, the Jab will complete 3 strikes from a single animation and then also begin a second animation and go a little over halfway through that animation. This means that 5x Jab strikes occur in one second, whereas in one second with Impale, the Impale will strike 1x and be halfway into the next animation to strike, but it will require another .44 seconds for a 2nd Impale to land. During that first second of Jab strikes where it lands 5x strikes, each strike is hitting for 2959 damage. The 5x strikes from Jab add up to be 14796 damage. The Impale landing once in that timeframe will only be 4609 damage. Even if the Impale could land twice in the time it takes Jab to land 5x, the Impale would still only be landing 9218. The Impale would also only be landing 1x to 2x Crushing Blows, where the Jab would be landing 5x, same for Open Wounds or Life Tap, ect ect.
If you are confused about this, I don’t know what else to tell you.
This math is done correctly, I assure you.
Impale is just bad man.
Gotta understand how the game actually adds ed% from skills. That +775% at lv 20 is not nearly as impactful as you’d think it is next to just landing A LOT of successive standard attack level damage strikes in a very short amount of time.