It's Septemer - reveal ladder date

blizzard said that in September they will tell us what “shortly after release” means

so blizz whats the date, i need to know in order to plan wether i start playing on 23rd or i wait

or u tell us on 30 Sept ???
so pathetic

I criticize Blizzard all the time. Maybe too much, who knows. I think it’s quite reasonable to see how launch goes, I don’t think it’ll be longer than a few weeks though, provided things go well.

What I’m doing - playing a fun build, I’m not going to spend a bunch of time MFing on nonladder, as I plan to play the first ladder. It’ll likely be my last ladder for a few years, though.

i doubt they will release ladder start times until at least 10 am on the 23rd. roughly 2 hours after the d2r release. most likely though. they will probably be to busy watching to see if something breaks or whatever else they have to worry about instead of ladder. i would expect a week or two after launch ladder will start to be honest. maybe a little longer, idk.

Blizzard needs more details on how both the game and platform are running before they can zero in on a ladder start date.

If the primary reason you play ladders is for the fresh start, and you don’t feel like restarting shortly after release, perhaps it would be best to wait until the second ladder since we’re all getting that fresh start at launch anyway.

I wish we knew but I think they’re really just going to have to see how buggy the servers are after launch.

I’m just trying to consider launch to be a mini ladder. Could be fun.

I’m hoping March 2022

But I’m not done with my Barb :sweat:

Why wait? A ladder character is forever.

Are ppl really that turned off by no ladder?

Bold of you to assume there will be no delay

Just play Non ladder, it will be a fresh start anyways. Then when ladder comes, we get another fresh start!

Honestly why wait? Just play regular like most people. I don’t know a single person in my friends list that will even touch ladder or has any interest at all. I think most people will skip the first ladder season. At this time there are no exclusive content scheduled for “ladder” and if you start a week or two later, you will fall behind everyone else. Not to mention, you will probably have less players playing “first ladder” which may make trading harder.

Even if they offer extra stash space for ladder “participation”, I would simply level up a character to the required level and go back to non-ladder so I can play in the better economy.

There is no benefit currently to play ladder. None. We get a fresh start on the 23rd, we get a new economy, no bots, no hacks etc.

Aren’t you supposed to be able to see everything with your blind eye?
Why don’t YOU tell us when the ladder start date is, Allfather?

i agree, but if most people go ladder, i better wait and no play till ladder (assuming its a week or month later) cuz i wanna be in a well populated realm where trading will be easier

The majority are all going to be playing on the 23rd.
Which means there is no point waiting and with no ladder only items or runeword it’s unlikely that ladder will ever be more populated than non-ladder.

They said sometime after the game’s launch they will tell us when the ladder starts. So they have a week to tell us. I know that isn’t much time. But if things go well then we will know when it starts. If things don’t go as planned then they are likely to say that the ladder will be delayed and give us the start date later than planned.

They won’t announce the ladder start date before the release. They want to check if everything goes well, patch if not, and then communicate on the release date of first ladder.

Adam Fletcher :blue_heart: sur Twitter : “@ChrisMPerry It will be post launch as we are wanting to see how servers handle and how things are right at launch. Goal would be if any big issues arise at launch, we would slot that into a patch that would hit with the ladder update.” / Twitter

Not as pathetic as the lazy consumer who just sits and cry on the forums all day, never actually accomplishing anything.

Ungrateful children, be patient

There are no gated content on d3 eighter, yet most people play seasons.

I only play ladder, because of the fresh economy and fresh start. Without ladder i wouldn’t be playing. I can’t stand non-ladder, with a washed out economy and everyone being top geared. The fun of the game is the journey, not the destination.

Always thought of non-ladder as a pvp zone.

Might play on the 23rd, just because it pretty much is a fresh ladder, and then move over to ladder once it comes out.

Makes no difference to me, I wont be playing the first ladder, period. With NL obtaining all of the Ladder item and runeword perks, I have no incentive to play Ladder at this time.

I will enjoy building some characters over the next calendar year likely, finding my own personal grail items, GG rares, ect and benefit from that.

Down the road, maybe ill dabble with a Ladder, but I dont think I will ever put the same amount of effort into a new reset, that I did in the past.

Apart from the season stuff being season only. That’s quite a gated bit of seasonal gated content.