It's really funny

How some game hosts get mad at randos for joining their games. And proceed to bash you for daring to join their game. And then try and fail to make it seem like you’re the one getting mad. trollface

Then you rejoin with a foh and pk them.

I don’t really do pvp. It doesn’t really interest me.

Get off of my lawn kid


Loved doing PvP in classic Diablo 2 but not so much in LoD

INFO: Are you joining games that have titles which suggest a clear game objective (ie, Act x Go!) and then solo farming, or are you attempting to participate in the assumed purpose of the game but they’re getting salty? Or the game has a random name that seems like it should just be a FFA?

I can kinda see the first, if they’re worried you’re going to steal boss kills so they can’t progress, or they are marginal for where they are, and you making the game harder is actually a detriment.

Otherwise though, make a private game if you don’t want people to join.

It was a MF cow game.

It might have been a “I Cow U MF” game. I see a lot of those, and I have to stop and carefully read the title to make sure. They want the cows all to themselves, but with a room full of other people doing OTHER things. I have some… negative opinions, so I just don’t participate.

i mean, the op makes it sounds like he is joining games and not doing what is supposed to be done in those games.

i have literally never seen anyone get mad about someone joining their game, unless its for one of 2 things

  1. they are questing, and u start killing quest stuff they arnt at yet. such as MFing mephy is an “act 2 game”
  2. they are asking for help with something because they aren’t strong enough to do it alone… and u join… make the monster harder… and u go mf and not help

every senario in my life i have seen people complaing about “joining thier game” is always people being complete jerks.

u dont join other people games to mf unless its a split farm game and the title clearly states that and then u agree to what zones you mf in.

no one is out here complaining that you are helping them with baal runs or anya