It's people trying to run dupe programs

This might be an unpopular opinion, but if this holds ANY kind of truth and the server downtimes are Blizzard trying to fix this…I’m 100% on board to have them take their time and fix this right. Especially if it means clean ladder gameplay when that comes around.

We knew things were going to be rocky at launch. It’s disappointing almost 3 weeks in that we’re still dealing with it. BUT if it helps put a stop to duping, or gets people doing so banhammered? I’m all for it.

This game alone is the last thread of hope I have left for Blizzard. How these “server issues” turn out will decide if they ever see a penny from me again, as much as I’d hate not trying D4


SO THEN TELL US THATS THE PROBLEM. Communication 101. they arent doing that. they fail. dont make excuses.


what’s your definition of “abandoned”

what’s your definition of “abandoned”

In software? No longer being actively supported by the creator.

I think were talking about two completely different subjects. But blizzard will never put forth the resources to remove all the hackers/dupers out there. They will put up a show every once in awhile with a ban wave, but it will do little to slow it down. They haven’t been able to eliminate those who cheat in any of their games. What makes you think it’s going to change now with a new launch?

I think were talking about two completely different subjects. But blizzard will never put forth the resources to remove all the hackers/dupers out there. They will put up a show every once in awhile with a ban wave, but it will do little to slow it down. They haven’t been able to eliminate those who cheat in any of their games. What makes you think it’s going to change now with a new launch?

They do not ban D2:LOD bots anymore and haven’t for a long time…

Trust me. I know.

lol that guy is so self-conscious, better not let anyone teach me anything or I’ll appear to have been DUNKED ON! Man this new generation of kids that never heard the word no until 18 is really gonna shine when they reach the real world!

Most of them aren’t mentally incapacitated but have a lot of money. They are the same whales that spend a fortune on microtransactions too in games that have them. They are a small percentage of the playerbase but large enough to create a profitable market.

I exagerated just to prove a point. While i do think that playing the game should be a reward on itself, and farming is part of the game, therefore buying itens is like paying more to not play the game you bought in the first place, and that to me is stupid. Thats just me and i dont care what you do with your money. Now, a jah rune for like 10 dolars is one thing, 200? I dont care if you are trump himself, if you pay 2000 for an anni you are a moron.


For some people $200 or $2000 is nothing compared to their wealth. Much less value than $10 for the avarege guy. They pay that money probably to show off or something like that. Rich kids. If they didn’t want to show off they could just use a character editor in offline games to create whatever items they want for free.

They aren’t the only “morons”. Showing off with in-game items is made possible by other “morons” who can’t get/buy that stuff and admire those who have it.

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World of Warcraft retail/classic is ran by servers that are owned by Blizzard and they currently have the biggest botting problem in an MMO. WoW’s servers don’t have constant issues like D2R’s.

Hackers usually don’t know the exact implementation of the server so they have to experiment and that might crash. The working implementation of a hack can also result in more or less frequent crashes because it sends messages in unusual ways (message content and timing) that are different from how a normal game client operates. The hacks rely on bugs in the server.

Crashes aren’t the only possible reason for downtime. If the hackers found a way to create lots of dupes then downtime is the only reliable way to stop them in the short term. In that scenario Blizzard need time to investigate things, clean up dupes and implement a bugfix before going online to prevent the hackers from continuing their business.

If you are a major triple-A company with a popular game then your servers are more likely to be attacked than those of a noname indie dev no one cares about.

What the hell happened to the Horadric Cube? Mine went missing. I’m already in Nightmare difficulty.

Do you understand how many packet requests would need to be sent to a server these days in order to DDOS it? Are you saying these dupers are working in sync with one another using botnets to take down Blizzard’s servers?

My post wasn’t about DDOS. It requires only 1 message to crash a server if it contains a fabricated command that upsets the buggy logic inside the server software.

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Lol what, care to elaborate on this one message?

“gimme dem honey nuts” server crashes


Oh no! You just posted the ultra secret missile launch one command code! The world is doomed all for honey nuts! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

The hackers work at the application layer. They usually manipulate the “command queue” of the game and send commands to the server that a normal game client would otherwise not send. The server doesn’t validate all possible commands (that’s the bug that doesn’t cause any issues with normal game clients) so some “invalid” commands slip through and do nasty things.

Yea that’s called packet injection. Hackers these days need botnets in order to bring down a game server from a multi-billion dollar corporation like Activision-Blizzard. They have backup servers that take it’s place, when their main server goes down. I am still waiting for your “1 message to crash a server” command though.