Its a single player game after all

It’s the opposite for me. I hated single player 20 years ago, but I was also young then. I like the challenge it presents now and the creativity it requires now. Online play to me now is meh.


We were all young then bro :laughing:

I was 19 then, I just think the concept of online gaming didn’t compute with me at the time.

Diablo 4 I think will be a different story. I won’t have a problem adapting because knowing that and it is what it is.

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Weeee oooooo Qshhhb wah wah qshhbbb eeeeeeeehhhhhbshssss we woo.

:roll_eyes: “Sounds like a good connection.”

When 15 Year Olds knew more than adults about technology. I miss those days.

CoffinBirth comes on the forums to complain about the complainers…go figure. He’s a miserable, hateful little cretin

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25 posts and how many are about me :heart_eyes_cat:

“Who’s a sassy tiger? YWooo aaahrr, resh you are!”

Only one person reached out from here, he only plays SC.

Finally found a few people to play with on console through d2jsp. Even then joining games and communicating in game is horrible.

Have to message from Xbox messaging to talk to anyone in game… This console port is severely lacking.

Add me too I’m scrooogen on xbox

Do you play HC? My username is the same on Xbox slomo4sho

I don’t but I could make 1

I have only played HC since 2000.