Items in stash disappeared

So this was about the 4th time I’ve logged into the game (offline mode). 1st time items have just disappeared out if my shared stash. (All 3 tabs, but not everything.)


Did happen to me too. Several runes, gems, money and items are lost from my shared stash.

And I have just been playing offline singleplayer!

Thats beyond stupid. How can things be lost under theses cirumstances?

Lost Items in Offline Singleplayer! I am so angry.

My runes and charms also disappeared from shared stash. Singleplayer offline :frowning:

Did happen a second time for me. Still Singleplayer offline.

Lost again exp, char&merc level, items from stash local&shared.

But something crazy happened. I did not lost the info of already discovered map content.
In act 2 I had to find the staff, again, but I entered the cave and the path down was already discovered. Monsters respawned, but I knew the path down.

Lost the next waypoint, but the path and area to the lost city waypoint is already discovered too.

I’m feeling like a beta tester.

This happened to me a couple days ago. Hasn’t happened to me since though so i guess there’s hope. But it could happen again at any time who knows right? Makes it so I don’t really want to play the game.

3rd time for me. And not just items from my stash.

My Paladin should be level 27, just killed Diablo and entered Act 5.

Walking to Mala, Error. Don´t know why.

Restarted the game and I was level 18! again. Every progress and all the new items lost.

This is unplayable. An ocasional bug is one thing, but a game that is unable to SAVE!

Should never have left beta. It’s ok to wait an extra month for a stable game.

I cant recommend this game so terribly broken for anyone.

I want my jade tan do kris and isenharts parry back!!! This needs to be fixed!!!

My gloves and boots just disappeared off of my character. I have not died once and saw they were in my inventory just moments before. This is unacceptable.

I’ve read somewhere here advise, which prevents objects disappearing. After you move something to shared stash, you just need to play a little bit longer after that. Don’t just save and exit, wait for that auto save logo in right corner of your screen.
It helped me a lot

same here i lost my charms other stuff, 2 times in 2 hours

Same problem
Offline ps4
Happen at least 3 times since game release
When I quit the game and relog instantly with an other character its seems to be ok….
If I relog only the day after or few days after
I some case the shared staffs use an old save data on game launch.
Result : last gaming items put in those staffs Dissapeared.
And I get the staffs as it were before my last gaming.
Personnal staff seems to be ok. So It is possible to clone items with this glitch/bug but its « aléatoire ».
Need to be fixed as soon as possible game interrest suffers a lot !!

Also a periodic auto-save will be a nice upgrade in the offline game

How to make SURE your shared storage is saved:

Save and Exit the game, CHANGE CHARACTERS, Start a new game, then immediately Save and Exit the Game.

This is a temp work around until this issue is resolved on console, it forces the client to save the state and upload and sync with the regional server. The next time you load the game your storage Should be safe

I personally do this every time i find something else that is good.

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This is an offline bug, has nothing to do with servers.

Wrong lazy your storage and offline characters are still stored the same way they are triggered online, its has to do with being multiplatform so you can transfer your character from pc to psn or xbox… Your characters are saved online in the cloud for that purpose alone (being able to play on multiple platforms) so in order to make sure your characters stash and et all are saved at the regional then global data servers, use the method i have given instructions for until this known bug is fixed.

Wrong, you can’t transfer offline characters between platforms, cross-progression is only for online. Offline characters/stashes are not saved anywhere online, unless you have an option like that on your console, but it has nothing to do with the bug. But the fix you mentioned works, you don’t need to choose another character, just create a new game and s&e again.

Your mis-understanding what i am saying entirely. The game is set up for cross platform saves to the cloud (online mode) but the same system for saving your offline character in d2r is running the SAME checks to trigger the Save State of your offline character as though it where online, the saves are all local, but they are triggered just like the online cloud saved states on the online side of the game, so you can manually trigger them yourself by saving and exiting, swapping characters, then starting a new game and then saving and exiting again. This triggers the saves (AKIN TO) the Online saves for the cloud. Its the same system. I havent tried using the same character to reenter the game and save to trigger a save state if that works just as well then awesome, but this bug is KNOWN and currently being discussed in the console bug forum where this information i shared came from.

Cant post the link directly, go to console bug reports from the main forum page its near the top of the page of not AT the top of the page.


Ok, now that you explained it better, I understand what you mean. The thing about regional and global database makes sense, that’s why items never disappear/dupe when the game is running, only when you close the game completely. I thought about 2 saves before (like a temp one and hard one), but didn’t associate it with the regional/global database thing. Kinda strange that offline uses the same system.

I always save and quit on my switch account and I just realized that I lost my nagelring and gloves/boots that I spent ours shopping for to get 25 mf on each are now gone. I took them off to farm cows for an insight base and now I don’t have them. Now I have no MF items and have to start all the F over!!!

Don’t close Diablo 2 too quickly. Your character file, and your shared stash are two separate files, and they both need to save. There is a delay between them so they don’t override each other. When you save and quit, your character saves, but if you close the program too quickly, you might do it before your shared stash has a chance to save.