Items disappearing

No, you dont equip items while naked or cause multiple corpses.

Its an old school rule.

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It just happened to me. The weird thing is I didnā€™t die 20 times or lose anything else. Just the Spirit Monarch Shield shortly after I had made it. Completely missing from my inventory. I guess there is a slight possibility it was left on the ground somehow. Donā€™t really get how. Iā€™m not an idiot. I studied the build and learned about the strength bug which I avoided on purpose so I wouldnā€™t lose gear.

Thereā€™s one thing I learned about these Blizzard titles. If I feel a certain way, out of all the ways to feel. It isnā€™t gratification or joy anymore really. Itā€™s the feeling of being robbed Iā€™m left with time and time again after all these titles. Idk why I am still around tbh.

How is classic D2 saferā€¦? What you experienced was one of the biggest complaints with the original game, too many fools pick up something after dying causing their original body to ā€œpopā€ when you join a new game without your bodies. Weā€™ve all done it on classic. At least you still have your char unlike the countless number of folks that accidentally deleted their characters in D2R. Donā€™t spew some untruth, this isnā€™t a D2R problem, just user error.

This sounds like a classic case of accidentally picking up an item on your way to your corpse. Iā€™ve already logged some several hundred hours into D2R without ever seeing such an issue outside of rollbacks and rollbacks havenā€™t happened in 3 weeks now.

D2 had alot of bugs. As i said in your case it sound like a rollback. As u lost it a lill after u made it. In OPs case we dont know how long he had the shield. It seem more likely that he used the str bug or lost item based on corpse bug. Which both existed in the original.

The same happened to me. died on my way to retrieve the body( did -not- pick up anything on the way). quited and reentered the game. after picking up the body in town the grief on my pal is gone. it is not worth much and I can pay $600 on the internet to buy 10 grief but I just lost the will to play the game

I just tried to report the same issue to blizzard, but the website just simply says we canā€™t retrieve any lost item, over. ok then quit the game lol

I can not stand people talking about it being a dying issue. I have lost a perfect CTA and 2 Hoto in the last month, I died when I was wondering wtf happened to my weapon. I noticed they disappeared going tele to Baal ā€¦I BO and switch to hota and happily get on my way. The last time I retraced my steps which is easy and no weapon to be foundā€¦ So I am done helping out my fellow Diablo player. Suck a Steamy one my super friends. I bought over 30 copies of this game , well just d2, and this kind of crap is happening. Take away the fancy graphics and give me my gear back. Sincerely Dano Pull your shot together. Your parents would be embarrassed with the product you are providing us.