Items disappear from inventory and chest

Hello! Periodically, they disappear from the inventory, as well as from the chest, and from the Horadric cube (randomly)
full recovery potions and charms (guards) … A very unpleasant situation! I left a branch of the problem on different forums, I read that not only I have such problems.
Will this bug be fixed in the game and when? This is happening every day! The gems disappear too. A very unfortunate situation!
Thanks in advance for your reply!

They don’t reply in this forum. Clean your stash and the items wills stop to disappear. You have too many 1 slot items and the character save file can’t handle so much information.

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It should still be fixed.

(And I think you meant “…too many 1 slot items…”)

Here 's how they answered at the moment the Blizzard team : >> Hello!

At the moment we have no additional information regarding this difficulty in the game. Please wait for a response on the forum from the relevant department. Either you will see the information in the known difficulties section or the list of fixes.

Thank you for your patience and understanding! I wish you a good time of day!

With best wishes,

Lost a Gul today, disappeared… poof, gone…
I saw that a player even lost his Enigma this way.
Next time an item disappear from my stash, D2R might very well disappear from my CPU

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In wish you good luck.

How do you know this is the cause? I do know that this is actually happening to people, and the devs have mentioned the new architecture on the PTR being a fix.

Currently we are in 2.3. PTR (2.4) is not on the live Server. So 2.3 is still bugged.

Correct I was actually wondering about the 1-slot items causing it. Could you link to some more details on that. I’m interested in knowing more.

Here’s a link to the Reddit post:

It should still be fixed…Yes. I really hope so

I just had my enigma disappeared, they won’t answer me, were in 2.6 now…

I just found a gg SC in cows the other day. I’m don’t get to play a ton so this was a HUGE deal for me. It was 7% MF and +10 cold resist. Found it yesterday afternoon. Played another hour or so. Logged off as normal. Today the charm is gone, completely gone. Idk if I can handle this anymore

i am a serious hoarder, lots of single slot items, and i am pretty sure i lost vex runes and some respec tokens.

twice now.

did they fix this bug? maybe i am just going crazy?

To answer my own question, yes, it is a thing.

I am scrolling down the “Latest” posts and it is mentioned repeatedly.

Monday feb 5th. Just lost Chains of Honor, grief, shako, Dracs, countless charms, so much more. I can’t with this sh*t anymore. I used to have such fond memories of this game and I finally found all of the gear I used to dream about. ITS ALL GONE FOR NO REASON. I can’t believe it…

YOu guys are losing duped items. They have the same unique reference ID as real items, but the real item that dropped originally has a earlier time stamp on it. Warden scans and deletes anything with the same unique reference ID that is online at the same time.

Duping method has been same in D2r and regular d2 for decades, and blizzard only solution is to scan for these ID and delete the dupes.

Reel duper know how to get around blizzard system, you dupe rune then “UP” dupe rune in cube to create a new entirely real unique ref. ID number that warden can’t delete.

Never make runewords with runes u trade for lol. Always get the 2 lower runes then “UP” to the rune you need, so as to avoid dupers screwing u.