Item Rebalancing

I think the first and easiest way would be to add a few more multi-item bonuses to some already decent sets.

Examples (These are examples, so obviously these could be completely different):

Orphan’s Call:
Magnus Skin
+10% Faster Hit Recover (3 Item Bonus)

Guillaume’s Face
+150 Attack Rating (3 Item Bonus)

Wilheim’s Pride:
+2-10 Damage (2 Item Bonus)
+2-10 Damage (3 Item Bonus)
+2-10 Damage (4 Item Bonus)

Whitstan’s Guard:
+20 All Resistances (2 Item Bonus)
+10 Damage
Cannot Be Frozen (4 Item Bonus)

Sazabi’s Grand Tribute:
Sazabi’s Cobalt Redeemer:
+250 Attack Rating vs Demons (2 Item Bonus)
+0.75-75 to Minimum Damage (Based on character level) (3 Item Bonus)

Sazabi’s Ghost Liberator:
+3-297% Gold Find (Based on Character Level) (2 Item Bonus)
+1-99 Magic Find (Based on Character Level) (3 Item Bonus)

Sazabi’s Mental Sheath:
+1-99 Defense (Based on Character Level) (2 Item Bonus)

The Disciple:
Dark Adherent:
+10% Faster Hit Recover (2 Item Bonus)
+1-99 Life (Based on Character Level) (4 Item Bonus)

+5 Resist All (2 Item Bonus)
+10% Increased Attack Speed (4 Item Bonus)

Rite of Passage:
+10 Fire Absorb (3 Item Bonus)
+10 Lightning Absorb (4 Item Bonus)
+10 Cold Absorb (5 Item Bonus)

Laying of Hands:
+100 Attack Rating vs. Demons (3 Item Bonus)

Telling of Beads:
+Reduce Poison Duration 25% (3 Item Bonus)
+1 to All Skills (4 Item Bonus)

Unique Items:
Grandfather - Add Might Aura
Lightsabre - Add -% to Lightning Resist and + to Lightning Skills
Spike Thorn - Add Thorns
Stormshield - Add Damage
Corpsemourn - 2% Chance to Corpse Explode when Struck
Djinn Slayer - Level 10 Holy Fire

One of the things I think is killing Diablo II is that a lot of players don’t have the time they used to have when the game first came out. Because Diablo has such a high rune-based economy, I think a good way to bring the game back to life is to up some of the utility of unique items (weapons/armor particularly) and set items to breath a little life back into the game. This would make finding gear that is worth SOMETHING in the economy more viable, or at least making a character who can farm more efficiently a little sooner.

Thanks for reading,


I don’t understand the logic of the time argument. It sounds like " it’s too much work to farm for items."

You want more high runes, play more.
You don’t deserve good items because you play the game. You don’t deserve high runes because you played 100 hours and your friend played 100 hours and he got an infinity.

It’s random, and unfair, and that’s why your items feel valuable. We all know how hard it is to get them. Not rewarding, Not deserving, Not owed.


a viable economy kills the reason to play the game itself. You don’t need a viable economy.

You need a viable game.

I still think this is a good suggestion. Despite the 1 hater.
