I think the first and easiest way would be to add a few more multi-item bonuses to some already decent sets.
Examples (These are examples, so obviously these could be completely different):
Orphan’s Call:
Magnus Skin
+10% Faster Hit Recover (3 Item Bonus)
Guillaume’s Face
+150 Attack Rating (3 Item Bonus)
Wilheim’s Pride:
+2-10 Damage (2 Item Bonus)
+2-10 Damage (3 Item Bonus)
+2-10 Damage (4 Item Bonus)
Whitstan’s Guard:
+20 All Resistances (2 Item Bonus)
+10 Damage
Cannot Be Frozen (4 Item Bonus)
Sazabi’s Grand Tribute:
Sazabi’s Cobalt Redeemer:
+250 Attack Rating vs Demons (2 Item Bonus)
+0.75-75 to Minimum Damage (Based on character level) (3 Item Bonus)
Sazabi’s Ghost Liberator:
+3-297% Gold Find (Based on Character Level) (2 Item Bonus)
+1-99 Magic Find (Based on Character Level) (3 Item Bonus)
Sazabi’s Mental Sheath:
+1-99 Defense (Based on Character Level) (2 Item Bonus)
The Disciple:
Dark Adherent:
+10% Faster Hit Recover (2 Item Bonus)
+1-99 Life (Based on Character Level) (4 Item Bonus)
+5 Resist All (2 Item Bonus)
+10% Increased Attack Speed (4 Item Bonus)
Rite of Passage:
+10 Fire Absorb (3 Item Bonus)
+10 Lightning Absorb (4 Item Bonus)
+10 Cold Absorb (5 Item Bonus)
Laying of Hands:
+100 Attack Rating vs. Demons (3 Item Bonus)
Telling of Beads:
+Reduce Poison Duration 25% (3 Item Bonus)
+1 to All Skills (4 Item Bonus)
Unique Items:
Grandfather - Add Might Aura
Lightsabre - Add -% to Lightning Resist and + to Lightning Skills
Spike Thorn - Add Thorns
Stormshield - Add Damage
Corpsemourn - 2% Chance to Corpse Explode when Struck
Djinn Slayer - Level 10 Holy Fire
One of the things I think is killing Diablo II is that a lot of players don’t have the time they used to have when the game first came out. Because Diablo has such a high rune-based economy, I think a good way to bring the game back to life is to up some of the utility of unique items (weapons/armor particularly) and set items to breath a little life back into the game. This would make finding gear that is worth SOMETHING in the economy more viable, or at least making a character who can farm more efficiently a little sooner.
Thanks for reading,